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Joey stumbled, falling onto the ink stained floor. Sammy's shadow stretched over him, appearing on the wall of the cell. Sammy didn't say anything, just closed the door with a bang. Joey coughed, spitting up blood. Crap. He looked around, but caught no sight of his brother. Where are you Henry?

He sat up, rubbing his head irritability. He'd thought he'd be brought straight to the Ink Demon, but no. Apparently the Demon was "busy." Whatever that meant. Sammy had refused to say. Joey watched the receding back of the Prophet and sighed to himself. He poked his head out of his cell, looking at all the others around him, but they were empty. No sign of anyone, no life.

Joey groaned to himself. Henry was being held captive by the Demon. He knew that, and shuddered to think of the torture Henry must be enduring, because of him and his dumb mistakes.
He stood on shaky legs, looking around for any kind of clue. Had Henry been held here? But no matter how hard he looked, he couldn't find anything.

Frustrated, he sat down in the corner of the cell, head in hands. "Where are you Henry?" He muttered, voice choked slightly. "Henry?" Another voice asked, sounding confused. Joey jumped, standing and turning towards the voice. It was a little figure, with curved horns and big pie-cut eyes. Joey froze. Bendy? No, that was impossible.

There'd only been one attempt at Henry's character, and that had been the Ink Demon! Yet Joey couldn't deny what his eyes were seeing. Bendy stepped out of the shadows, eyes narrowed suspiciously. "Joey Drew." He muttered, and Joey shuddered at the dark undertone in his voice.

"Bendy?" He questioned hesitantly, though his instincts told him that this creature wasn't anything like Henry's lovable creation. Bendy snarled at Joey, his eyes narrowed in anger. "I'm everything like Henry wants!" He snapped, making Joey jump. "Did you just-" He started.

Bendy sneered. "Read your mind?" He finished. Joey froze, eyes wide as fear rushed down his spine. Bendy smiled cruelly. "Now tell me." He leaned forward, smiling. His teeth were sharp fangs. "What is it you want with my creator?" Joey was frozen, stunned by the possessiveness in Bendy's voice. His big black eyes were narrowed cruelly.

Joey stood, gripping the bars of the cell tightly. "You know where my brother is?" He gasped, eyes wide and desperate. Bendy started. "Brother?" He echoed, sounding confused. Then he shook himself. "You abandoned him here. Left us to rot." His voice was cold.

Joey flinched. "I know what I did." He growled. "But that has nothing to do with Henry." Bendy growled. He stepped closer to the cell. "You deserve everything that's coming to you." He hissed, hate lacing his voice. "I wasn't good enough for you. You tortured me. Took everything from me. Now I'm taking everything from you."

Ink dripped into his eyes as his smile grew wider. Oh God. Joey stumbled back. The Ink Demon. The demon ran it's claws along the bars of the cell. "First the trust of your employees." He sneered. "Then your business itself. And now..." The Ink Demon paused, licking its lips slowly. Teasingly. Cruelly.

"Your best animator. Your brother." Joey let out a cry, throwing himself at the bars. "If you hurt a hair on his head-" Bendy started to laugh. His voice was cruel. "Why-Why would I hurt him? It was you who hurt us." The Ink Demon smiled widely, ink dripping between his sharp teeth. "Don't worry about Henry. I'll take good care of him." The Ink Demon purred.

Joey let out a cry. "Let him go!" Joey shrieked. Bendy chuckled. "And why would I do that?" Joey stared at him in horror. "I-I'll take his place." He pleaded, desperately. Bendy started to laugh.  "Ah, how sweet." He sneered.

"Especially considering how you were the one who betrayed him and trapped him here." Joey glared at him. The Ink Demon sneered. "Besides, I have you right where I want you." Joey shrieked as Bendy turned around, headed towards the wall.

Panic sparked in Joey's mind. "W-Where are you going?" He demanded, trying to sound fierce and angry. The Ink Demon looked back, smiling with all his teeth gleaming in the half light. "To see my newest prize, of course." He purred.

Joey screamed as the Ink Demon disappeared into the wall. Joey shrank to his knees, tears forming in his eyes. I'm sorry Henry. He couldn't do it. He couldn't save his brother. Joey shuddered at the way the demon had spoken about Henry, in that creepy, purring voice. What was it doing to Henry?

Henry POV

Henry wandered around the small apartment, tracing the walls, looking for hidden entrances. But there was nothing. Henry paced around, feeling scared and restless. Bendy had disappeared again, probably doing that ink teleport thing he does.

He poked around the kitchen, but found nothing new, just those few cans of soup. The worry increased in his mind. What would happen when he ran out of food? Should he even trust the food that's in here? What if the Demon did something to it? Henry shivered. What about the cans that were ink?

Henry hoped that none of the cans here were the ink ones. He'd been avoiding them, for obvious reasons. Feeling frustrated, Henry sat down in the living area, on a small love seat that had appeared in the night.

He grabbed an inkwell and a sketchpad, sitting cross legged with the pad opened in front of him. He carefully began to draw, sketching the layout of the small apartment, labeling each room neatly. Bathroom. Kitchen. Bedroom one and two. Living area. He sketched in the table and appliances.

He was so lost in his work he hadn't noticed Bendy enter the apartment. Not until, at least, Bendy climbed up beside him, peering at the sketchpad from behind Henry. Henry jumped, then chuckled. "Hey Bendy, didn't see you there." He greeted.

Bendy blinked at him, then at the diagram in front of Henry. He looked confused, so Henry explained. "I thought it might help. I've looked along here, here, and here-" Henry pointed at each spot where he'd searched the walls. "I haven't found any hidden doors or anything though."

Bendy's hand gripped Henry's arm. His eyes were wide with confusion. Henry blinked at him. "Well, unlike you." Henry stared teasingly, "I can't walk through walls." Bendy stared at Henry, then back at the paper. He didn't look happy. What was his problem?

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