#15 || The most hurtful part

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[Kansas, USA – 2019]

*Another day*

-Taehyung's POV-

We left Phoenix a day ago, and we did have one last time in the city before our departure day; however, it wasn't as enjoyable for me as I hoped for. Jimin and I are gradually getting away from each other more and more, but not only that since our routine changed completely as well. Just seeing myself next to Hoseok in the airplane, made me feel like something was going to break inside my head and heart. I feel that my weakness is now being away from Jimin, and I can even say that it's more concerning for me to be away from him rather than my current health.

Jungkook has been complaining about that for two days now, he is insisting a lot on talking with Jimin about Hyonu, but I'm not agreeing on that. I'm honestly not ready for him to know the things that had been happening, and how many times I lied to him about myself. Right now, I still have hope of getting him back, but after all my secrets are out, I'm afraid we will never return to what we used to be.

And just like that, my mind has been full filled with thoughts of fear and sorrow. I can't even describe how I feel at the moment; I have to fake a smile just for the rest of my friends to be alright, after all, none of the members deserve to see me in a bad shape.

Currently, we are in hotel rooms. Everybody is settling their stuff in order and even though it's late, I'm still putting my things inside the drawers. I'm feeling weak and not in a good mood, and I honestly can tell I'm about to fall. However, I should stay strong and finish this day without surprises.

-Hey – Jungkook said while opening the door of the room.

-Kookie, hey – A faint smile appeared on my face as I looked back at him.

-The hyungs and I are going to have dinner, do you want to come? – Jungkook asked.

-No, but thanks for the offer. I want to take a rest and be with Yeontan – I spoke while holding onto the bed, I was feeling very weak.

-Alright, we'll be back in a few hours – Jungkook smiled slightly before hugging me. –Take care, hyung – He murmured concerned.

-Yes – I spoke before he let go, then he took his jacket, the key and his phone before going out of the room.

I sighed while finally sitting down on the edge of the bed. Yeontan is sleeping peacefully after the day we had, and I'm just wishing I could be my dog at this moment. I want to feel what is like not having so much pressure and sorrow.

The time to rest didn't last long since I continued to put my things in their place when suddenly I heard knocks on the door. I thought it was Jungkook so I faked a smile before opening the door, but then I realized that Jimin was there and not him.

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