#4 || Broken game

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-Jimin's POV-

His face is close to mine, just a few inches away from touching one another. I could feel his heavy breath against my skin, and for some reason, I believe I'm the reason behind his attitude.

-Damn it, Jimin! Answer me! – Taehyung said upset before hitting the door with his fist.

-I, I was worried about you because... you mean a lot to me – I stuttered while breathing faster than before.

-I mean "a lot" to you – He said sarcastically which made me feel very upset.

-Yes, that's what I said – I told. -I don't get why you don't believe that – I said upset, this time facing him.

-I have my reasons – Taehyung told.

-I bet those reasons are worthless – I said annoyed.

Why the heck will he keep secrets from me? I thought we trusted each other.

-They aren't – He stated while getting closer to me.

I pushed him away madly which made him look at me surprised.

-Bad choice – Taehyung said seriously before getting towards me once again, he pushed me against the wall before placing his hand next to my head.

He looks mad. My heart is beating fast as my breath is getting heavier. I can feel Taehyung's breath against my skin, I can smell him better at this distance and I can see his dark and perfect shaped eyes clearer.

He's more than I ever imagined from up close.

-Step back – I said while breathing heavily.

-Hmm, do you honestly want that? – He questioned before caressing my chin.

-Tae... - I murmured surprised by his actions.

-I hate you right now, baby – Taehyung smirked mournfully.

-I hate you too – I stated while looking at him.

He glanced at my eyes once again, this time getting closer. Both of us looked at each other's lips before leaning fully into one another. Chastely, our lips met as Tae's well-defined lips were moving deeply and matching my own perfectly.

As the kiss started to be deeper and rougher, I held onto his shoulder as he started to hold the back of my neck and my right cheek. Both of us began to run out of breath. The chemistry that flowed at this moment is nothing I ever expected to have; I honestly thought he didn't love me back. When we started to get away from each other, he left soft and gentle kisses over my lips.

I looked at him hoping for a reply but he was looking so flustered that I decided to be the first to say something, even though I might say the wrong things.

-Why are you playing with me? – I asked. -What do you want? – I questioned as my voice cracked.

-I want you – He spoke. -But I don't want to be hurt – Taehyung admitted while looking away from me.

-Hurt? You don't want anyone to hurt you but, what about me? – I questioned while tears started to drop down my face. -You can't just kiss me and say this... you can't just ignore me and use me – I sobbed.

-I just want the best for you – Taehyung spoke. -I want you to be out of problems – He told.

-I don't understand, I can't... I'm sorry but if staying away from you is the best for me, I don't want it – I stuttered. -Taehyung, I like you and I'm afraid to fall in love with you – I cried on his shoulder.

I heard him take a deep breath before feeling his arms around me. He kissed my head while patting the back of it. At this point, I don't know who's the one to blame; me or him.

-You are way too good for this world – Taehyung chuckled slightly. -I'm not the one to make you happy – He murmured sadly.


-I'm sorry, baby – Taehyung said while getting apart from me, he kissed my forehead gently before getting out of the room.

Stop this... please. Just stay.

-Taehyung's POV-

I slid my back against the door as I tried to keep my sobs down. I felt peace and happiness while kissing Jimin but then, reality hit me again; I'm not the one for him and I might never be. Unless I understand how is to love someone the right way. He deserves the world and I'm scared I can't give that to him.

-How did it go? – I heard Jungkook ask.

I looked up at him as I kept on crying.

-Oh my god, Tae – Jungkook gasped before holding me against him. -What happened? – He asked.

I didn't say a word, which made Jungkook worry even more. He took me towards his room and then tried to calm me down as much as he could, but it was impossible. The only one that could do that is Jimin... who might be hating on me right now.

-Did you talk? – He asked while sitting next to me.

-We kissed – I said sadly. -I told him I wasn't for him and left – I cried.

-Why? Hyung, Jimin loves you the way you are – Jungkook stated.

-But I don't want to hurt him! I get jealous constantly, I'm usually the reason behind his bad days, and I haven't talked to him in days. I bet he's so confused and hurt – I said upset.

Jungkook sighed before patting my back when suddenly, the door got opened.

-I won't smack your face because it seems you are affected too – Jin sighed.

-How's Jimin? – I asked concerned.

-Bad. Yoongi is consoling him right now and Namjoon is trying not to lose his shit over you as Hobi is helping him relax – Jin disclosed.

With Yoongi, great.

-I'm so sorry – I sighed while looking down at the floor.

-Hyung, that doesn't help – Jungkook said upset.

Jin sighed. -I don't get why you said such stupid things after kissing him.

-Because they are true – I stated.

-No, they aren't – Jungkook assured.

-Jungkook is right, you can't just say that. Taehyung, you aren't a bad person; perhaps this is new for you but that doesn't mean you can't be with Jimin – Jin told.

-Everyone isn't against you two; even Namjoon-hyung was supporting your feelings – Jungkook said.

-It doesn't matter now, Jimin hates me and he'll stay with Yoongi forever – I said while removing the tears from my face.

-You have to be kidding me – Jin sighed frustrated.

-Hyung, Yoongi doesn't like Jimin – Jungkook said.

I didn't say anything else; I stood up and left the room. Namjoon-hyung was there and he started to tell me something, however, I didn't care and just went towards my room.

As soon as I got inside, the memories of the kiss I shared with Jimin, started to get into my head. A slight smile crossed my face as tears continued to fall, and just like that, I laid down on my bed.

I placed my headphones on and started to listen to the playlist I have saved as "JIMIN". All these songs remind me of him, also, I have some of his covers and songs in it. I started to sing along with the song that is currently playing "Serendipity"; as I listen to his voice, I can feel my muscles relax and my heart feeling one ease once again.

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