#3 || First & Last

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*A few days later*

-Jimin's POV-

The days with Taehyung didn't last as I wished. After that day of cuddles, the next ones weren't the same... not even close as I was hoping. He started to be clingier with Jungkook and Jin-hyung; when I try to talk with him, he just looks away and tells me that he's occupied. During the practice sessions, he avoids me and doesn't care about me unless I do a mistake in the choreography or while singing my parts.

Because of that, I've been feeling gloomier than at other times. And to be honest, I hate to be this way; I wish I could care less about his actions, perhaps erase this huge feeling in my chest.

At the moment, I'm inside the practice room; I couldn't do any other thing than dancing and listen to music, so, I decided to rehearse for the coming stages we have. As I kept on dancing, I glanced at the entrance since I saw the door closing. Yoongi got inside while looking at me upset.

-Tell me you aren't here because of him – Yoongi sighed frustrated.

-Why are you saying that? Is he coming here? – I asked concerned.

He nodded. -I guess you don't want to see him, right?

I looked away from him before inhaling. -No.

-In that case, come with me – Yoongi smiled.

-Where? – I asked.

-Shopping, walking or to do something else! I don't want to see you like this anymore – Yoongi said while getting towards me, he held my hand and started to guide me outside of the room.

He was taking my hand gently and tightly which made me feel secure and on ease. I sighed once before we crossed paths with Taehyung; I can see him looking straight at me, so, I immediately grabbed Yoongi's hand tighter.

He chuckled at my actions.

-You won't get lost, I promise – Yoongi joked.

-I-I'm not afraid to get lost – I assured while looking away from Taehyung.

He's still looking our way.

-Alright...! We'll have fun, Jiminie. Leave that to me – Yoongi said happily.

-Okay – I nodded as he took me out of the studio.

Both of us started to get towards the parking lots before Yoongi looked back at me.

-See? Nothing bad happened – He smiled. -Don't worry about him, Jimin – Yoongi told.

-I'll try – I sighed.

-Taehyung's POV-

They were holding hands... why? What is he trying to do?

My blood was boiling after seeing Jimin and Yoongi holding hands. I can't believe he let him do that.

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