#6 || Things unspoken

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*Hours later*

-Jimin's POV-

In reality, nobody told me to come and search for Taehyung. Actually. It's nothing like it; Yoongi was the only one who knows what I truly wanted and that was to talk with Taehyung and make things right. He scolded me since he told me I wasn't the one to apologize and that I shouldn't search for him, still, I didn't care and went on to get him. The things Taehyung told me were truly insane; I didn't know so many things happened inside his mind and I still don't know why they were even there. Why he acted that way? What causes that? I wanted to ask so badly, however, I saw how much it was affecting him that I decided to stop questioning him.

I went on to cook him some food and play with Yeontan for a while. I was right when I said he was hungry, yet, he admitted to being just fine when he wasn't eating. He assured it could've been that he was just sad and that he wasn't feeling like anything. Right now, he looks happier and much better than the other days. I'm happy about that.

-By now everyone knows we are better – I told while sitting next to him on the table.

-Did you tell them? – He asked.

-I did but I just said that we talked; I know you don't want them to know the rest – I spoke.

-Yeah, not yet at least – Taehyung smiled mournfully.

-Are you okay? – I asked while holding his hand.

He nodded. –The same old – He sighed.

-Nothing bad will happen, I can guarantee you that – I smiled.

He pressed my hand gently. –Baby, do you think others will accept it? You know, our love – Taehyung asked.

-They have to. It's what makes us happy – I told.

-I guess you are right – Taehyung looked away from me. –Thanks for cooking, you learned so well from Jin-hyung – He grinned.

-I'm happy you liked it – I caressed his hair.

-Do you want to go back to the dorms? – Taehyung asked.

-Hmm, I don't know, what about you? – I questioned.

-I don't – He chuckled softly. –I'm so good with just you – Taehyung said while looking at me cutely.

I cluttered his hair before he guided me towards the bedroom, we laid down on it while Yeontan followed us. He laid down on his bed before barking, then he just closed his eyes.

-That's his way of saying goodnight – Taehyung told.

-He's so cute – I smiled while looking at Yeontan, already falling asleep.

-Hmm, he is – Taehyung agreed. –Baby, can we talk about Yoongi? – He asked.

-What? Why him? – I asked confused.

-I think he's too clingy on you – Taehyung blushed.

I gasped. –Are you jealous?

-Uh, maybe – Taehyung said embarrassed.

I giggled before kissing his cheek. –You are impossible! He's just my friend, our teammate and a really good person. But you are the one I love – I chuckled by my sweet words.

-Yah~ you aren't taking it seriously – Taehyung pouted while getting on top of me.

I laughed while looking at him happily, he tried to kiss me but I kept on moving to avoid him. It was pissing him off which made me laugh even harder, then I kissed him which made him give up.

-You surrender to me – I teased.

-Shut up – Taehyung chuckled as he kept on kissing me, then he laid down beside me.

As I looked at him, I remembered something I brought along with me. I stood up and went towards my jacket, I pulled out the little box from the pocket before returning with Tae. He looked at me confused as I sat down on the bed.

-What is that? – He asked.

-That day when I went to your room, I wanted to give you something – I told. –Yoongi and I bought bracelets for the whole group; they are customized with the names of each member and "BTS" on it – I explained as I gave it to him.

He started to open the box, then he took out the silver bracelet and looked at it better.

-I wanted it to be super special for us two, so, without telling Yoongi, I asked for a change in our bracelets – I smiled shyly. –After your name, there's a heart just like in mine – I revealed.

As soon as he found it, I let him see my bracelet and he noticed the hearts. Taehyung smiled widely before hugging me tightly.

-Thank you – He said.

-No need to thank me; I thought you would like it – I said while embracing him tighter.

I got apart from him before he told me to put the bracelet on his wrist. Then, we looked at each other happily, he kissed my head before we laid down on the bed.

-Jimin – He called my name.

-Yes? – I glanced at him before he kissed my lips.

-No matter what happens, I'll always feel the same thing for you – Tae spoke while caressing my cheek.

-I know that; I trust you. Don't need to tell me twice what I already know – I smiled as I embraced him against me. I closed my eyes while getting used to his smell.

I felt his lips on my head which made me blush out, he smiled at my reaction before breathing deeply. I could still sense something was off but I don't want to pressure him; I know he'll tell me when he's ready.

*2:10 a.m.*

-Taehyung's POV-

Jimin is sleeping next to me. He looks just like an angel; calm on his sleep while I'm here awake, looking at him dreaming. I can't sleep as much as I would like to, the things I'm hiding from the members and Jimin are consuming me; I don't know how to tell them... mostly, I don't know how to let Jimin know that some bad things are about to come. I wish I could lie to him and tell him that everything is alright, but instead, I keep quiet and look away which is letting him know that there's something else happening inside my head.

BTS is about to go on a tour at the end of this week, I can finally breathe without feeling observed by someone that I used to know. I regret sharing my feelings for Jimin to the ones who don't understand anything about love nowadays. It doesn't matter who you love if you are living happily with one another, and I don't get why they can't see that the way I do. I know some of them don't mean any harm, however, they aren't helping me to be alright.

-Sleep, my love. Dream of us without darkness chasing us from behind – I whispered before kissing his head softly.

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