#10 || Told you so

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[California, United States – 2019]

*Day of the concert*

-Taehyung's POV-

Yesterday was a full day of practicing and seeing the venue we'll do the concert at. There are a lot of seats to fill up with ARMYs, and that's something we want to achieve; have all those seats full with our fans. Also, we had the chance to see the city a little bit as we were trying to rehearse our words for AMRYs at the end of the concert. We were excited and everyone was just waiting for tonight.

On the other hand, Jungkook and I talked about Hyonu. I told him what he said to me and how I asked Jimin to be my boyfriend. He was truly surprised when I told him that he accepted after knowing that Hyonu would be behind us if he found out. He was concerned and upset at the same time, after all, Jungkook doesn't want me to hurt Jimin more and cause him to hurt me back. I told him that I was ready for everything even though I was lying to myself.

Currently, Namjoon, Jin, Jimin and I are about to join Hobi, Yoongi and Jungkook on stage. They were about to finish their special stage and the staff was telling us which platform we should stay at. Jin and Namjoon went to one together while I was with Jimin. He was looking nervous but excited at the same time; I was happy to be with him and to see that right now we were having our best moment.

-Jiminie! – I shouted while looking at him happily, hearing the cheers from ARMYs.

-What? – He looked at me with a smile.

-Take my hand! – I told him.

Jimin blushed out before giving me his hand, I held it tightly before chuckling a tad.

-Let's have fun! – I said.

-Let's do this! – Jimin held my hand tighter before looking at me happily, then the platform started to go up as we stared at each other.

*Hours later*

-Jimin's POV-

We are back at the hotel after a successful night with ARMYs. Sure, we cried at the end but it was worth it since the whole avenue was screaming and crying with us; it was something I won't forget and I was very touched just to see how many fans came to our concert.

Right now, Taehyung and I are in our steamy session of the day. He wasn't feeling like sleeping and neither did I, so, we just started to kiss each other passionately. We weren't planning on going way too far tonight; however, both wouldn't regret it if something else took place.

-T-Tae, time up. Time up, we'll wake up Yeontan – I gasped as I felt his lips on my back.

-Oh, true – Taehyung chuckled before embracing me from behind, he placed his head on my shoulder before I hit his arm. -Yah! What was that for? – He asked in between chuckles.

-You were too aggressive! – I complained.

-Was I? – He asked surprised.

-W-Well, it's just that... you turned me up a little too much – I said shyly.

He sighed happily before kissing my shoulder.

-Sorry, baby – Taehyung grinned before closing his eyes. -So, what do you want to do tomorrow? We have time before the interviews – He told.

-Take Yeontan out for a morning jog – I spoke. -I bet he misses to go out after being here since we arrived.

-Right. We should take care of him too – Taehyung smiled sleepily as he pulled me against him, making us laid down on the bed.

-Hmph, you are way too clingy tonight – I complained.

-You are huggable; it's your fault – Taehyung smiled while closing his eyes.

I grabbed his cheek before letting out a sigh, then I just smiled and kissed his cheek.

-Fine, you win – I spoke.

I turned around, giving him my back. He didn't mind since he started to hug me from behind and as he was getting comfy against my back, I started to close my eyes little by little.

-Goodnight, Tae – I spoke.

-Sleep well, baby – Taehyung murmured before taking a deep breath.

*Next morning*

It was a brand-new day and everybody had this morning before going to the interviews starting at midday. Taehyung remembered what I told him last night, so, we took out Yeontan for a walk as we promised, then we came back to the hotel before taking a shower and spending the rest of the morning together. However, when Taehyung started to get distracted with Yeontan while reading a book, I checked out social media. There's always something that can bug me out, yet, this time it was different.

People were commenting about the "ship" I have with Tae; VMIN. There was a hashtag trending saying #FakeLoveByVMin. At first, I was confused but then when I started to see the tweets, they were attacking Taehyung a lot and on the other side, they were saying how he doesn't treat me right. The tweets were talking about how Taehyung some months ago put down the "ship" he has with Jungkook; TAEKOOK or VKOOK. People are speculating the reason why he did it, and even though I already know why, others don't get the message at all.

I glanced at Taehyung to see if he was aware of my worriedness but he seems to be very distracted with Yeontan at the moment, so, I just looked at one more tweet before locking the screen. It says things about me and how Taehyung doesn't see what others, and for a second I doubted about myself.

Do I have what Taehyung wants? Maybe I should work harder, right?

-Baby, it's time to go – I heard Taehyung say, pulling me out of my thoughts.

-Oh, yeah, yeah... let's go – I shook my head gently before putting my phone on my pocket, then I just caressed Yeontan's fur before following Tae.

-Are you ready? – Taehyung asked before putting his jacket on.

-Sure – I nodded while looking away from him.

-Cool! Let's get going, the members are already with the staff at the lobby – Taehyung kissed my cheek before opening the door of the room, then we went out of it.

While walking through the hallway, Tae was holding my hand which made me blush a little. Then, I remembered the tweets and as a reaction, I just placed my hand away.

-Hey, don't worry – Taehyung looked back at me before holding my hand again. -If people see us it's okay, they don't know – He smiled.

I nodded silently before looking down at the floor.

I know I shouldn't care about others' opinions but this time I don't know what should I believe. I feel conflicted.

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