T W E N T Y - S E V E N

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27H E R

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THE ENTIRE time they ate, Levi couldn't help feeling out of place and distracted. The two sisters spoke so casually and naturally. They mentioned a few things about their jobs and some childhood memories. He learned that Inaya was in college for sociology to apply to be a human resource manager, but she didn't seem too keen on what she was studying for. But as soon as the topic was discussed, the two quickly changed the subject to discuss how Irene would usually walk her to and from school, that the two would often argue about clothing since the two had similar tastes when they were younger. He was completely invested because he wanted to get to know as much as he could about Irene, even if it was something as simple as she had no talent for cutting an apple into a bunny.

To him, it felt like she would purposely not speak much about herself, and it made him upset, even if he didn't want to admit it. So hearing things about her, like how she used to play the flute and clarinet intrigued him.

He liked how relaxed she was and how she gave more smiles than she'd been giving for a few days now. Irene usually gave more, but typically seemed a bit stressed due to her workload. Seeing her be completely at ease made him thankful that he accepted the invitation to come out to see her, even if he could be sent to jail due to not showing up to his probation community services.

Remembering the services, he recalled exactly why he was with her. What brought him to skip it. It was his last chance. Yet, it was too difficult to pull her aside and speak to her privately. It was no easy task. He didn't expect it to be that hard; he didn't want it to be.

In the back of his mind, he knew if he didn't say it today, he would regret it for the rest of his life. It would be the same regret that he had with his mom and Isabel. He didn't want that. It was the last thing—no. At all. He never wanted to make the same mistakes that he did with them for simply being too much of an arrogant coward to say anything. This time, it would be different. He promised himself and them.

"You okay, Levi?" Irene asked, putting a hand to his shoulder blade.

His muscles tensed at the abrupt touch. His eyes traveled to Irene and Inaya. The two sisters wore frowns, Inaya appearing more distraught. He glanced at her hand that clenched the picnic blanket.

"You zoned out," Inaya said in a mumble, releasing the blanket she gripped so tightly that her knuckles had begun to turn the color of bleach.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Levi assured, looking over to Irene, who held out some water for him.

He declined. He wanted to talk to her. He would. The last thing he wanted were regrets because of his childish mistake. It wasn't anywhere near as grave as it was with his two loved ones.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2021 ⏰

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