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15I N D I C A T I O N

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   SILENCE. Even as Levi stepped on the grass, all he heard was silence. The sound of his footsteps was there, but so faintly it sounded like nothing. No crickets, no bugs, no birds; it was all just silent. Even the fireflies didn't shine their light. Whether it was because the sun was just setting, beginning to allow the moon take over, or they weren't out yet, he didn't know.

He had hoped there was a bee. A bee that would buzz around the flowers he held in his hands for his favorite girls. Something that would make sound so it wouldn't leave him to ponder if his mother would even want the flowers. If she would be angry at him for not showing up to visit her for almost two months. Not only her, but Isabel as well.

The humid air was still there, but it no longer bothered him. He was too distracted with thoughts of his mother. His hands had grown clammy and he felt like he was suffocating in his own nerves. His heart hammered against his chest, and he needed to close his eyes and breathe to relax. He kept his eyes closed, already knowing the way like he knows the back of his hand. No one was around him, no one to bump into. All light was almost gone, which made most people uncomfortable to walk or be around the area.

Levi stopped. When he stopped, he heaved a sigh. He held both sets of flowers on either hand, his grip on them loosening as he prepared himself. His eyes opened and he looked down. There, a stone with engraved words was in front of him. His eyes softened and he got on his knees, giving a small bow. He placed the set of carnations where they belonged and softly sighed.

"You're mad at me, aren't you, mom?" Levi questioned softly, only getting silence as an answer. He stared at the headstone in front of him that had his mother's name.

The melancholy feeling was heavy in the atmosphere. The grave sadness that was in the graveyard was suffocating. It made him shudder.

"I don't have an excuse," he admitted, placing the other set of flowers next to him. He looked to his left and to the grave next to his mother's. His fingers wrapped around the daisies, and he stood up. He walked to the grave next to hers and placed the flowers where they belonged as well. "And you're the angriest, Isabel."

Once again, no response. Something inside of him hoped that the wind would blow, that the flowers would sway, for the grass to even get his attention that it did something. He wanted to know that they were with him and that they were giving him some sign they were. But it was the real world. It wasn't like a movie or fantasy. Nothing happened. It was just still.

Levi looked back to his mother's grave and returned to it. He wanted to believe that they were leaning on their headstones and watching him, looking out for him, but he knew it wasn't the case. As he sat on his knees, he placed his hand on her headstone.

𝐕𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐝 𝐌𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 | 𝖫𝖾𝗏𝗂 𝖠𝖼𝗄𝖾𝗋𝗆𝖺𝗇Where stories live. Discover now