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04P R O S T I T U T E   O R   S T R I P P E R

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   THE SCENT OF LIQUOR. That was all Levi could smell aside from the cigarettes and greasy foods. It was humid inside the pub, as if there wasn't even air conditioning. Unlike most decently cleaned ones, the one he was in was disgusting. It was run down; marks of what would be the polished tables, and uncleaned floors. It was cheap, run down, and looked as if it was being held on by termites.

Despite all that, it was packed. Groups of people filled the seats—most looking under the age of twenty. The music that played in the background was completely sounded out by the laughter and loud voices. The pub he was in was hardly known. If it was, it was known by teenagers. It was known to accept minors that had fake I.Ds or loads of cash. The unsanitary environment was just a cover up to hide all the underage drinking. It was the only way they made their money.

"How'd the interview go?" Furlan asked, making his way over to Levi as he poured him a random drink. Levi wouldn't have heard him if he hadn't come closer due to the loud background. He looked at it skeptically, brows furrowed before he remembered his question.

Levi heaved a exasperated sigh, recalling everything that had happened. How Hanji had gotten on her knees begging for Irene Cider to hire him. Before, she had tried to explain to Hanji that there was a process, but the glasses wearing woman wouldn't listen. As soon as she had gotten on her knees, Irene had quickly agreed as long as she got up.

"Tsk. It was shit. Almost as shitty as the environment here," Levi grouched, scowling at Furlan. He took a sip of the drink, not even bothering to ask what it was. He placed it on his lips, drinking it all in one go.

He froze. The drink burned, and he released a small cough when he swallowed it. He looked over at Furlan. The look didn't faze him enough to inform him what it was.

"That bad, huh?" Furlan mused, voice barely audible. He poured Levi another cup, sending him a look that said to not finish it in five seconds. The look made the raven-haired man roll his eyes, but still following out the actions.

Levi picked up it and took a small sip of it, his eyes on the ice. "I probably got another job though," Levi muttered, setting the glass down, and looking over at Furlan. The man had already moved two seats down, pouring more drinks. For a moment, Levi thought Furlan didn't hear him, but he looked over at him, curiosity in his eyes.

He waited for him to return and Furlan nodded his head, signaling for him to continue.

"Hanji has this friend—had a camera around her next so probably does photography—and got on her knees, begging her to hire me."

𝐕𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐝 𝐌𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 | 𝖫𝖾𝗏𝗂 𝖠𝖼𝗄𝖾𝗋𝗆𝖺𝗇Where stories live. Discover now