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17I N D I F F E R E N T

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   THE CAR RIDE WAS SILENT. It wasn't silent, that was a lie, the car radio played quietly in the background. But for Levi, he didn't count that as a sound. He didn't pay attention to it. What he counted as silence was the lack of communication. Neither Levi or Irene exchanged any words. They occasionally took glances at each other to acknowledge each other presence, but didn't open their mouths to speak.

For Irene, she kept her attention directed at the road. The only time she glanced at Levi was when they were just sitting in traffic. She would glance at the time that was displayed on the radio, or just the time on her watch. It varied.

As for Levi, his eyes switched back and forth between the road and window. It would switch when he was brought back to reality after zoning out.

Every time he was ripped from his thoughts, he needed a full minute to remember where the two were going or what had happened throughout the entire day.

He blinked for a few seconds before looking at the road. Cars were in front of them, leading for miles. Traffic hour. Levi took a glance at Irene, her gaze fixed in front of them. He pulled out his phone and saw it was still only three.

When he remembered what had happened throughout the day, he scowled. Someone had canceled their shoot when they were unloading everything, which was an hour ago. Irene had assured Levi that they would pay a fee and would need to pay a double amount of money for wasting their time as company policy said. After that, she had offered to buy food once again and he agreed, not wanting to just go home and do nothing all day.

He didn't know where she was taking him. Irene had never told him and said he would need to wait. Finding that to start a conversation, he broke the silence. "And I'm just supposed to be trusting you?" Levi questioned, glancing at humming woman. She nodded, eyes never leaving the road and smile never leaving her face.

"Don't worry so much, Levi," Irene whined, a sigh slipping her lips. He eyed her as she took a turn just to come to a stop due to the traffic. Her eyes shifted towards him, sparkling with delight. "You'll love it."

"What I'm wondering is why it's so far away," he complained, "we've been stuck in the car for almost two hours now." Levi looked away, his blue eyes flooded with irritation and impatience.

Her attention returned to the road, a neutral expression replacing the smile on her face. "You're acting like a little kid," she commented nonchalantly, "arms folded across your chest and looking like a ten-year-old who didn't get what they wanted."

His jaw clenched and he looked over towards her direction. "Shut up," Levi growled, glaring at his boss. She merely shrugged and continued to drive. The earlier car ride, Levi had been complaining about the destination, so he knew he had been acting like a child before he stopped.

𝐕𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐝 𝐌𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 | 𝖫𝖾𝗏𝗂 𝖠𝖼𝗄𝖾𝗋𝗆𝖺𝗇Where stories live. Discover now