T W E N T Y - T W O

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Irene shook her head, sitting back up and picking up her wine glass. No matter how many times she'd declared she was just buzzed, she was already past that. Her eyes were droopy and she could barely keep her head off the table.

As for Levi, he was far from buzzed as well. He wasn't necessarily drunk, but he was getting closer and closer to the edge. Her drinking tolerance had taken him back. She lasted four glasses of thirteen percent that were half full. Levi could feel it kicking in, beginning to feel tired, as he was taking his time drinking his fifth glass. He had relaxed on his third glass and begun to grow tired on his fourth.

He found it humoring that she tried to push herself into drinking more to prove a point. Levi, on the other hand, was just watching her struggle. He had warned her not to overdue herself, but Irene refused to listen to him. It was clear her pride and determination kept her going, even after she clearly couldn't handle any more. He debated whether or not he should stop her.

"I'm so tired, Levi," she mumbled, pouring more into her cup. "This was a good idea...you know...to just drink." She picked up the glass and drank it in sips. Once she was finished with it half way, she placed her arm on the table and rested her head on it.

He frowned as she sighed and groaned. "You're drunk," Levi noted, earning a shake of a head from her. Irene turned her head around so it'd be hidden in her arms.

He heaved an exasperated sigh towards his boss. He didn't expect her to be that depressing after having gotten drunk. At the same time, he should have known since it was depressant, especially if she was in her current state. After her third drink, it had buzzed her and she began to sulk in silence. It stayed like that for a good seven minutes before she slammed her head on the table, causing the empty wine bottles almost fall.

"She said she still loves me, but still broke up with me. That doesn't make sense, does it?"

Levi could barely hear her voice. It was muffled and low. He was certain even she herself could hardly understand the slurred words that left her mouth. Still, Levi only diverted his attention to his wine, debating if he should even answer. He didn't know how, because he knew nothing of their relationship. The raven-haired man only gave a hum, not knowing what else to do.

He took a sip from his glass before returning his attention to Irene. Her head moved up and down, indicating she nodded. "It just sucks when I think about the years we've been together. I respect her choice, but..." Her voice trailed off and Irene sat up. She placed her hand into her hair and looked over at Levi.

Her eyes were completely puffy and red, tears welling up in them. Her nose and cheeks were red—if it was from being drunk or her tears, Levi didn't know. Strands of her hair were completely out of control and disheveled.

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