Part 2. Chapter 2. Searching for answers.

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"Oh, no..." Mikaela scaredly put a hand to her lips, looking at Angela's forearm. It was hard to even imagine what kind of pain the girl must be experiencing. "What... what is it?"

"Can you get them out?" Yalara asked fearfully. Cousin shook her head, almost crying. She couldn't remember exactly when and how it happened. Most likely when these strange gizmos began to throw out of that strange flying saucer, she only crouched, covering her face with her hands. Everything happened so quickly, Angela didn't even have time to understand anything.

"W... what is this?.." she said, barely audible, feeling her eyes begin to pinch from fear and despair. There was no pain, but the forearm seemed numb, and one could only guess what effect these strange contraptions sticking out of her hand had. Andrei and Sam got hooked closer and began to carefully examine them.

 Andrei and Sam got hooked closer and began to carefully examine them

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"What do you think it is?" Sam asked his friend.

"Hard to say... It looks like some kind of microchips..." said the guy in a voice of an expert. "Nanotechnology of extraterrestrial origin... or something like..."

"Why are you so sure?" Sari surprised. "Do you think the aliens attacked us?" All those present stared at her displeasedly, and the red-haired baby, stepping back and putting her open palms in front of her, said: "Okay... F-forget what I said..."

"But if they are from outer space

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"But if they are from outer space..." Mikaela looked around, as if in search of a suitable explanation for what was happening, "then who are they and where are they from?"

"Now we have a slightly different problem," Yalara recalled, nodding toward her cousin.

"That's right," Sam agreed. "We must inform Prime and others about this. Maybe they will tell you something."

"Which Prime?" Sari asked there again.

"Both of them," Sam corrected and turned a questioning glance at Yalara. She again tried to contact Megatron through the howling pendant communicator, but to no avail.

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