Chapter 11- A sudden Turn

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"Yes. Besides, I can't remember anything from last night. Talking about this is really pointless." I tell her.

After cleaning up, I went straight up to my room. I decided to take a bath. I took a warm bath, I just needed to be calmed a little bit. I needed to take an early bath since most probably after lunch, we'll be driving home. I just wanted to get that out of the way. After doing all of my hocus pocus, I dress up, put some makeup on and stare at myself in the mirror.

"Stupid." I mutter as I stare at my reflection. I feel weird, ashamed even.

"Why do you always have to mess up, Son Chaeyoung?" I ask my reflection. I pout, not sure about how to ease my frustration.

Do you know that sinking feeling in your stomach when you feel disappointed? It's what I'm currently feeling right now. I just feel this intense hollow feeling inside me, I don't know. I sigh and just stare at myself some more. I look pissed. I don't want to look pissed, I don't want the unnies asking what's the matter. So I put my best smile on and head outside where everyone is gathered.

Stop fucking things up, Son Chaeyoung.

Outside, almost everyone was playing Touch ball. I decided not to join since I came late. Also, I wasn't in high spirits so I just walked over to the nearest tree shade and sat down.

I looked around and noticed how everyone seemed to really have fun playing. I, on the other hand, just watch under the tree shade. I wanted to mind my own business. As the play continued, my mind started to roam.

Bad thoughts, illegal thoughts, name them and I have them.

I ease my sitting position and look up at the sky.

How the heck did I mess things up again?

So everyone drank and became rowdy, I got dared to sit on Mina's lap.

Whatever, it's not a big deal.

Mina, as she claimed, was so drunk that's why she wanted me to accompany her upstairs.


Since I wasn't hammered last night, I remember everything. I told her to go brush her teeth. After that, I remember her specifically asking me to stay beside her until she fell asleep, I even held her hands. I thought she drifted off, so I told her how I felt. I told her I liked her.

Everything would've been good if it ended there, but no.

She had to wake up, pull me close, and make out with me. We made out and then she has the audacity to tell everyone she doesn't remember a thing about last night? We ate each other's faces! How the hell can someone forget about kissing someone? Is this a joke? I've been drunk before and I call bullshit on her excuse.

I honestly think Mina's just messing with me.

While sitting, I cross my arms and just watch everyone play. I notice that the number of players has reduced. Probably, the others are getting ready to travel back home. For some reason, I turn my gaze to my left and see Mina walking towards my direction. I don't see anyone beside me though, what the hell does she want now?

"Hey." She greets me, she then sits beside me. I just stare at her, she's smiling. She looked bright and happy.

What are you smiling at?

"Hey." I reply, slightly making my voice seem cheerful. I smile at her, as a respect since she approached me nicely. She eased her sitting position and placed her hand on my shoulder. She tapped me, lightly.

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