Chapter 1 - Mirano

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"Push yourself, Miro, you don't want to lose again when you go back to the Federation of Nations."

"I won't lose again, that kid got lucky."

Mirano stomps his feet to the ground raising boulders then slings them towards his father. Mirano's father quickly grabbed raises a rock wall and pushes it at Mirano as it blocks the incoming boulders. Mirano shatters the rock wall and raises two platforms then proceeds to rush for an attack. He sends one wall at his father and although his father dodged it the second wall slams into him.

"What a move son. If you keep it up you might win your classes best bender and win that award."

"All I have to do is beat Talon. The guy is a great bender and always gives me a tough time even though we have split our contest."

"You have better character and better friends to back you up. I've always told you that you are the best earth bender in the family and I'm telling the truth. You have a talent I've never seen in our family heritage."

Mirano walks up to his father and gives him a big hug gripping his hands on his back.

"Thanks Dad, you're my best friend outside of the boys."

"I push you so hard because I am tired of hearing all the other parents brag about their kids when you're better."

"Boys! Dinner is ready, come inside and eat before it gets cold."

"You heard your mother, eating like a champion is just as important as training like one."

Mirano and his father walk into the house with the sweet smell of onion soup lingering in the air. They all three sit down at the table each giving a loving look to one another.

"Miro is about to win the tournament and be named the best bender at the academy Hunny."

"Stop pressuring him too much or he is going to feel like he has to win."

"I'm gonna win though because I am the best bender there and I'm going to prove it." Mirano looks over at his father with the biggest smile. Although he is confident in his abilities, he still feels stressed by the pressure and the feeling of failure.

"Have you spoken to the other boys lately."

"Only Suno and Haruto, Drake is being his lonely depressing self. I guess that's what girls do to you."

"He is just weak that's all, I mean him and that girl never dated right and it's been how long like two years since she turned him down" Mirano's father speaks in a disappointing tone.

"He loved that girl dad and now she is dating Talon which doesn't make it easier for him."

"Well, that's why he should just be worried about the tournament. If he practices and worries about bending as much as he did that girl he would make it past the second round. Then again he wouldn't be able to beat you son so he might as well check out early." His father sits across the table praising him and his abilities.

After they finish dinner Mirano heads upstairs to his room to prepare for bed before he begins his trip back to the Federation of Nations. He lays in his bed feeling anxious to showcase his abilities and finally make it to the finals and win. Deep down he knows this is his year as he has bested all the other students at least once throughout the school year. He takes a deep breath and closes his eyes thinking about his routine he is going to use to defeat Talon.

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