
Start from the beginning

After they washed up Chen waisted no time throwing one of his hoodies at Jimin, he wanted the boy to smell like him only.

Chen was wearing a black, thin, and tight short sleeve shirt with black basketball shorts and black socks that went just below his knees. Jimin was wearing one of Chen's hoodies (yellow) and some black leggings. He had a small yellow scrunchy that held a piece of hair up.

Jimin began making Chen's favorite. Sugar rice, bacon, fresh lemonade, extra chocolate brownies and chocolate chip cookies mixed in. The rice wasn't quite finished yet as he stirred it around, "Needs more butter." He whispered to himself and began cutting a little more butter with a spoon and swooped it back into the pot with his finger.

Chen came and hugged him from behind and kissed his cheek. "I smell brownies!" He whispered happily and Jimin smiled, "I'm making all of your favorites in breakfast." He said and looked over his shoulder and kissed Chen's bottom lip. Chen grabbed his hand, as it was so close to the burning pan on the stove.

"Be careful." Chen said and raised an eyebrow, Jimin looked down at there hands and saw how close he was to burning himself. "Thanks, and I will." He said calmly while stirring the rice some more. Chen walked into the living room and looked around.

Slowly the living room began blurring and turning into something different. He could no longer hear the sound of popping bacon and smell lavender.

But now he could smell the forest and that unique scent of tea and coffee. The black leather couch that he recognized so well stood on top of the red and white woolen carpet. Then there was a yell, "Didn't I say to stop fighting in school?!" A woman yelled, "Eomma! They where saying things about Min-Jung, and she cried! I couldn't just stand there and watch!" A little boy yelled back.

"I understand but you could have told a teacher or something." Grandma said gently to a boy around thirteen or fourteen. "The teachers don't care, I've told them about it before and so have Min-Jung. They just don't listen or care, so I have to do it myself." He said back.

Grandma sighed with a sad smile while rubbing gently over his bruised eye, "You look just like your father." She said sweetly, but the boy growled and smacked her hand away, "I don't look like that monster! And I never will!" He yelled and ran out. "ChenYoung! Please come back I didn't mean it like that!" She called and chased after him.

She was around thirty-five, maybe six. Her long black hair hung loosely along her back and shoulders, as her silky bangs sat gently on her forehead. She had makeup on her face bringing out a lighter color, and she wore a yellow sundress.

"Eomma you knew better than to say that to ChenYoung." Min-Jung sighed behind her. "I know, but I didn't mean he looked like him. I meant his compassion, the way he was so strong and confident and stood up to anyone." She said sadly while sitting on the floor and Min-Jung sat next to her.

"I know what you meant momma, but he didn't." She sighed. Min-Jung was around sixteen or seventeen at the time. "Someday he will understand, just not today." She smiled and kissed Grandma's cheek.

**End Flashback**

Chen blinked back tears as he shook his head. The more he thought about home the more harder it was to stay strong, so he chose to not think about it at all. He never called it home anymore, he just said the shop. And that's it.

He plopped down on the couch and looked around on Instagram, it's been a while since he last took pictures. Shrugging he looked around on Facebook. His friends where all parties at Spring Field and wishing he was there.

Don't tell anyone but when Chen does get drunk, he gets crazy. He loves to dance, sing, and do dangerous things like walk on roofs and hit cows then run away. Stupid and mean right?

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