Chapter 33

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Camila's POV

I slowly open my eyes seeing an empty spot beside me, last night Ace crawled into bed like he normally would but didn't cuddle me so I rolled over snuggling into him wrapping my arms around his arm and laying my head on his shoulder.

I hope he snaps out this very soon, he shouldn't be afraid to show me affection just because of what happened. Now I'm just taking it with a pinch of salt for now, if he's still like this in a few weeks I'll finally break again and I don't want that.

My nightmares have stopped..for now, I think with everything that has happened to me in the past few mouths I've come out stronger in the end. Maybe everything that happened was for me to realise my strength and worth so what if I deserved it I've come out strong in the end even though it may still affects me my whole life.

Callum is coming today and I actually can't wait to see him, I haven't seen him in over two years which was back when my family were perfect, we'll I thought they were. When we went to Scotland I hung out with him a lot and ate loads of Greg's, my grandparents were amazing and would give us loads of different popsicles such as Calippo's, Fruit Pastille's, fabs and my personal favourite twisters. We'd watch a movie each night with one of those popsicles. I'm glad we've kept in touch through all these years on Xbox.

I stretch into a starfish whipping the duvet off my body, i wish I could stay in bed but I know I need to go. I'm still catching up from that strange month off.

I drag my feet to the kitchen pouring myself a bowl of fruit loops because that is all we have, we definitely need to stock up the kitchen again and I need to get Aiden a birthday present, his birthday party is on Friday and it should be fun but we'll see everything seems to go wrong at parties.

"What's up shit head, have you seen Ace he isn't on the couch?"

"I dunno" I shrug, I actually thought maybe he was in Asher's room or..I dunno normally he's in the apartment somewhere.

He pours himself a glass of orange juice and turns to me, "you going to class today?" I nod while chewing on a massive spoonful of fruit loops.

"I'm going to the store, anything you want me to get?" He asks.

"More cereal" I say after I swallow.

"I'm not picking up Callum by the way" he scoffs.

"How else will he get here?" I should get my driving licence.

"A cab or ask Ace because I'll be busy"

"With Rebecca?" I crudely remark.

"No" he rolls his eyes and heads for the kitchen door, "How you feeling?" He stops at the door and turns to face me.

"I'm fine" I answer honestly.

He nods turning a heel and walking out.

"Hi!" Julia enthuses as I walk through campus.

"Hey, have you gotten Aiden a gift yet?" I ask.

"No" she pouts, "We can go tomorrow I have one class"

"I have two so after that, I can bring Callum"

"Oh yeah you're friend from Scotland right?"

"Yeah" I smile.

"Ace" She points towards a truck I'm the parking lot, I glance seeing Ace leaning again his truck looking mine and Julia's way.

What is he doing here, he doesn't go to college anymore.

"Hey?" I say as we approach him.

"I'm here to take you back home" he looks me up and down before looking towards Julia, "Do you want a ride to your dorm?"

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