Chapter 15

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Camila's POV

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Camila's POV

"Where is he!?" I yell.

"He said he's cold and I got my friend to trace from.."

"Where is he!?" I repeat becoming impatient.

"Calm down, you're not helping" Ace spits.



"He's at this industrial estate" Brad tells me, he's say calmer than Ace and I.

"What's he doing there?" We all rush pulling clothes and shoes on.

"Did you hear me ask him?" He says.


"What's going on?" Lillian appears from the kitchen as we reach the bottom of the stairs.

"Ash needs help, we'll be back soon" Ace says and then turns to me stopping abruptly. "You're not going"

"Yes I am, I didn't put my shoes on for nothing and he's my brother so I will be going whether you like it or not!" I snap.

"He'll wonder why you're there"

"Does it look like I give a fuck?" He's my brother and he's in trouble, I don't care if he doesn't want me there because I'll always be there to help no matter the cause.

He tuts shaking his head, "Take your car" Ace says to Brad, he nods and lifts his keys off the rack.

"Won't be long" Brad says to his mother as we rush out the front door.

"Be carful please!" Lillian shouts as the door slams closed.

When in the car I know Ace is pissed off with me but I couldn't care, the only thing on my mind right now is if Ash is okay.

It's an hour and a half drive until we finally reach where we need to be, Brad sped as much as he could but I wish I could scream for him to step on it more.

He parks the car in two spots diagonally and hops out, Ace and I follow.

Brad pulls out a flashlight and walks towards a big building, a factory, It may be abandoned. I follow behind Ace and Brad like a lost puppy.

It's dark, pitch black when we enter the building. This is defiantly breaking and entering, well feels like it.

"Are you sure he's here?" I say loudly, my voice echos through the large space.

"Hm-Hmm" he replies, moving the torch left to right following up a large hall.

"Ash!" I shout, it echos again.

"Shush!" Ace whispers.

"No, I want to find him. What will whispering do?" I bite back.


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