Chapter 1

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She woke up shivering. Her face was pressed on the hard tiled floor. She tried to move; her body was stiff and ached. She peeled her face off the floor. The lights were so bright she had to squint her eyes. She groaned holding her head. It felt as though someone had used her head as the ball at batting practice with a metal bat. She opened her eyes and let them focus for a minute. The floor. She didn't recognize it. It was a beautiful light pink color. But she didn't recognise it. A tiny flicker of fear came alive in her, but she shook it away.

No, no. I'm okay. I just don't remember where I am . . . I don't remember where I am!

That tiny flicker grew to a flame. She looked around the room. Everything was fuzzy, badly fuzzy. She could make out objects by their shape and color. She was in a bathroom. There was a white porcelain bathtub to her right, a white Porcelain sink in front of her and a white porcelain toilet on the other side of the sink.

I'm in a bathroom. She looked around the bathroom squinting to see some sort of clue as to whose bathroom it was. It most certainly wasn't hers. She'd never been in this bathroom in her life. She struggled to get up. Her body hurt so bad. She finally got to her feet and noticed her new attire. All she had on was a giant white t-shirt. No panties. No bra. Just a t-shirt. Her heart began to pound roughly in her chest.

"What happened?" She asked her reflection. It didn't answer for it did not know. She shook her head at herself. Gazing in the mirror she noticed she could see through her giant t-shirt, nipples and all. Embarrassed she wrapped her arms around herself to cover herself. Squeezing her eyes shut she tried to think back to what she'd done last night.

Nothing. Nothing came to her. Grasping her head in her hands she told herself, "Focus. Focus." Putting all of her energy into trying to remember. Nothing.

"Ugh!" She was so frustrated. Why don't I just go look out there? Maybe there is someone I can ask. She turned to the door and a shiver ran up her spine. Goosebumps covered her arms and legs. The hair on the back of her neck stood on end. She didn't know why but something in her told her it was not safe out there. She shook her head at the door and took a step back scratching her head.

"What do I do?" She whispered to herself scared and helpless. Tears threatened to roll down her cheeks. Maybe I'm over thinking.

"She's in there, right?" she heard a male voice coming from the other side of the door. The voice made her jump. It did not sound familiar or bring her any comfort. She turning to the tub she realized there was no shower curtain or anywhere for her to hide. A single tear rolled down her cheek and she wiped it away quickly. Her breaths came out quickly and heavy, she felt as though she couldn't breath. Sliding to the floor in front of the tub she tried to slow her breaths and calm down. She could here movements, but she didn't know of what. She couldn't make out how many men were out there either. She held her hand over her mouth.

Oh, Please, No!


A man had kicked open the bathroom door. She jumped and yelped in fear. the man just stood in the doorway staring at her. She held her hand over her mouth and tried her best to make out what he looked like. If only she could see him, to make out his expressions, to see if he was a friend or foe. But he was too far for her weak eyes to see. All she could tell was that he had dark almost black hair, very tan skin, was wearing all black, and was very tall and muscular.

"She's awake!" He hollered to someone behind him. Then he stalked up to her and roughly yanked her up by her arm. She yelped again more in fear though he was hurting her. He dragged her out of the bathroom and she'd wished he hadn't. They weren't in a house or a hotel room. They were in a lab. A dark lab with test tubes and weird unfamiliar tools all around. There was one light on. One very bright light that shone down on a single hospital bed. A bed he was dragging her to.

"No, please, no!" She begged dropping to the floor and refusing to stand. He ignored her pleas.

"Get up." he commanded in a stern authoritative voice. She bit her lip and felt tears beginning to run down her face. She shook her head no. He groaned. He picked her up by both her arms and continued to drag her. She cried and flailed. "Please!" she begged. He tossed her on the bed like she was a doll instead of a person. She landed with her head slamming against the metal tray beside the bed.

"Aaahhh!" she screamed in pain before full on screaming crying. Her head felt as though it was on fire.

"See? That is why you need to be a good girl." he said smugly strapping her to the bed.

She couldn't breath, couldn't focus on anything but the pain. The man placed a breathing mask to her face. Grabbing her face and holding it firmly still he stuck a syringe in her neck. She didn't know what was in it, but she became too tired to cry.

"Now." he was a mere inch or two from her face and she could see him clearly. He hard dark brown eyes that had a evil gleam in them and scruffy facial hair. "Sleep." he commanded. Though she didn't want to or mean to her eyes closed.

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