protecting him & wrong messages

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"Brother..." Tae mutters, looking fearful
it's like he's seen a ghost. But this person was
no ghost. I knew exactly who the person was as
soon as he uttered the now fearful vampire's

"No, no, no" Taehyung repeated with his jaw clenched, looking terrified of the powerful
vampire who's standing right before him.

Hoosung looks scared as well but also confused
to why Taehyung was in such a panic. I, myself
was also afraid to turn around and look at the
vampire. "Jungko-" Taehyung was now getting choked by Jungkook who zipped right past me,
not paying any mind that I was here.

"Ack—" Taehyung choked as Jungkook began
to lift Tae off the ground. Taehyung legs swung
trying to kick, Jungkook. But he wasn't

Taehyung's face began to turn blue and he
started to struggle less. "Jungkook! You're
gonna kill him!" I rush forward, grabbing
Jungkook's arm trying to force him off of Tae.

Jungkook growled deeply at me. That's I got a
quick glance at his eyes. They weren't his usual brown, pretty eyes that I could stare at all day.
His eyes sought vengeance and bloodshed.

Jungkook shoved me to the ground, Hoosung
instantly rushed to my side, checking up on me.
Once he noticed that I was fine his eyes darted
over to Jungkook. I knew what he was thinking
and he would be stupid to even make an effort.

"Don't he might kill you-" Hoosung was already
charging at Jungkook full speed.

Kook appeared to know Hoosung attacks before
he even got a chance to execute them. Jungkook
flung Taehyung to the ground, then instantly
clasping Hoosung's fist in his hand before it
touched him. "Amateur" Jungkook scoffs and
begun to squeeze Hoosung fist, you could hear
all his fingers breaking, the cracking sounds
echoed throughout the quiet mall.

"FUCK" Hoosung shouted out, Jungkook then
grabbed his shirt and hurled Hoosung across
the mall. "HOOSUNG!" I scream. He crashed
into a wall and fell down the floor, not moving.

"Back to you," Jungkook says chillingly, I now
have goosebumps. I look over to Tae who was
coughing, struggling to catch his breath. I jump
up and hurry over to Tae, standing in front of
him. "What's wrong with you?!" I ask.

"...Jimin, he killed you and you're protecting
him. So, the question is.. what's wrong with
you?" Jungkook inquiries in a mocking tone.

I press my lips together "Do I look dead to
you? I'm standing right in front of you—"
Jungkook cuts me off. "I'm a damn vampire!
I know if a human is fucking dead or not! I don't know what miracle brought you back but all
I know is that Taehyung killed you. And I want
my revenge." Jungkook says firmly.

"Now, move out my way, Jimin" I shake my
head no. "I can't let you kill Tae," I tell him.
I suddenly felt tugging at the hem of my hoodie.
I look down at Tae "Jimin, just let him. I've
lived my life—"

I rolled my eyes at the first four words that
came out of his mouth. "Shut up! You're not
going to die!"

"What makes you think you have control over
that, baby?" Jungkook asks mocking me. "If
you kill Tae. I'll... I'll" I say, I didn't know
what I'd do if Jungkook killed Taehyung. "Do
what, Jimin?" Jungkook questions with a smirk
plastered on his lips.

"I'll have to.." I utter. Jungkook was still smirking thinking I'd say something stupid.

"...have to break up with you" Jungkook smirk
instantly dropped and now he glared at me
with skepticism. "You'd.. you'd leave for him?!"
Jungkook exclaimed. "Jungkook you'd be killing
my friend. Just drop it and we could all be.
friends again—"

"i was never friends with him! I only tolerated
him" Jungkook shouts. "But we can change that.
It's been three years" I give him a smile trying
to encourage him. Jungkook shakes his head
while backing up. My smile slowly lowered and
my eyes began to sting a bit "I'll see you around, Jimin" Jungkook says his goodbye. "Jungkook—"
I call out to my boyfriend. But he was already

I stare at the ground, biting on my bottom lip,
holding back my tears. "Thank you.. for sticking
up for me," Tae says from behind me, patting my shoulder. I nod my head telling him I heard what
he said.

I look across the mall and seen Hoosung still
lying on the ground. I started walking over to
him but Taehyung grabbed my arm, stopping
me for doing so.

"Jimin, go home. I'll take care of Hoosung.
Don't worry" he softly speaks. I turn my head
and look at him "Alright then," I give him the
best smile I could muster up right now. "See you,
Tae" I tell him.

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