a vampire, baby.

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           I spent a lengthy amount of time with the mysterious stranger, and in that time, he seemed to have an almost magnetic power over everyone we encountered. It was almost like a spell, all he had to do was stare at them for a few seconds and they
would bend to his will.

He even magically managed to get us a round of
drinks, for free. When I asked him how he did it, he simply replied that he was a magician. I had
assumed he was joking, but now I wasn't quite so sure.

Jin and Joon had been off doing their own thing, entranced by the hypnotic atmosphere of the
nightclub or just doing couple-ly things. But I
couldn't resist the pull of this handsome stranger,
and I left my friends behind as we made our way
out of the club.

He was a gentleman, walking beside me to my car. I couldn't help but notice the way he held himself with a certain grace, almost as if he were from another time. As we reached my vehicle, I gestured my gratitude.

"Hey," I said, glancing up at him. He hummed in response, his eyes never leaving mine. "What's
your name?" I inquired, intrigued by this
handsome stranger.

"I don't think it matters at this point," he replied
with a half-smile, and my interest piqued even
more. There was something about him that I just couldn't put my finger on.

Suddenly, he swept me off my feet in an
unexpected display of strength, rushing down a
dark and dimly lit alleyway at a abnormal speed,
very abnormal. My heart pounded in my chest, confused and uncertain about what was happening. "What the fuck?" I muttered under my breath, my mind racing.

"Do you believe in fairytales?" he asked, his eyes locking onto mine once again. I couldn't look away. "Y-yes, I do," I stammered, caught off guard by this strange question. He abruptly sets me down.

"Well, if you hadn't speculated yet." he whispered
in my ear, closing the distance between us as he
caged me in between his arms. "I'm a vampire,
baby" he nearly purrs.

I didn't know whether to laugh or to scream. Was
this guy serious or is he fucking with me.

I felt his cold, bitter breath graze my ear and couldn't help shivering. "P-Please, don't harm me," I begged, my voice shaking with fear.

"Don't beg. I hate it when they beg. It makes me want to rip you into tiny little pieces and feast upon your body," he declared with a twisted smile.

This man was sick. He grinned at me only to show
his teeth that looked unnaturally sharp, like nothing
I had ever seen before. He really is a vampire.

I looked deep into his eyes, which flickered between dark red and a mesmerizing yellow. I couldn't look away, as if he was putting me under some kind of spell.

"Promise me you won't scream," he asked, and to
my surprise, my mouth moved on its own. "I promise," I heard myself say, as if I had lost control.

Suddenly, I felt his fangs on my neck, and I placed
my hands on his shoulders, bracing for the pain. "Ackk~ ah shii~," I whined out in agony as he sank his sharp teeth into my flesh.

I could feel my blood draining from my body with each passing second. "Ahh~ please stop, argh!" I moaned in distress, the pain unbearable.

I wanted to scream for help, to call out to the people walking down the street. But my body felt restrained, as if under a powerful spell.

"You taste so fucking good," he exclaimed as he pulled away from my neck, only to quickly reinsert his fangs. My vision blurred and my arm went limp
by my side. This was it. The end.

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