a snake & the fool

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𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆 [𝟏𝟎:𝟏𝟑 𝐀𝐌]

I left Jimin in bed. After hearing
my mom's request last night. I realized that this
had to end. Deep down I knew that this war was
was stupid. I gave in after Jimin's "death" so
I started taking it out on humans. This whole
thing started because of my feelings for a human
and it has to end because of my feelings for a

I bust up in Akma's mansion. "Sir Jungkook,
Akma doesn't want any visitor right now-"
one of his workers tries to stop me. "And does it
look like I give a fuck?" I tell him and shove
him out the way.

I enter the living room, where him and Kyong
were eating each other faces. My face scrunches
up "Ahem" I clear my throat. Kyong immediately
jumped off Akma and looked at me nervously.
I rolled my eyes "Didn't I tell him don't let
anyone in here. He's dead" he mutters as he
fixes his clothes.

"Jungkook!" he smiles as he stands up to hug
me. "Akma, the war has to end now," I tell him.
Akma just chuckles and walks up to me "And
let both of our hard work be put to waste? I think
not" he says buttoning up his shirt. "Akma, our
work here is done. We've proved to them, most
of Korea's citizens fled and we've killed almost
all the ones that couldn't get away" I try to
persuade him.

"You know what, you're right. We should stop.
But why so sudden, Jungkook?" Akma raises
a question. "It just..came to me in a dream.
I'm glad that you agree with me" I give him
a small smile. "Yeah, let us end this on
common ground" he hugs me.

"I'll call off the attacks, stay safe, Jungkook"
he says and I leave, going home to tell Jimin
the good news.

︿~♡__~ ☯︎ ~__♡~︿

                  After Jungkook left, I call over a few
of my guards. "Follow him and see what he's
planning. Don't come back until you've got
something worthy to tell me" I order them.

"Yes sir!" they bow to me, leaving me and
my beautiful boyfriend to ourselves.

"Now, Kyong, let's finish what we started."

︿~♡__~ ☯︎ ~__♡~︿

𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆 [𝟏𝟎:𝟓𝟒 𝐀𝐌]

                  I enter the house and I smelled
breakfast being cooked. I grin, I was a bit hungry.
I skip into the kitchen. Jimin was dressed in one
of my oversized shirts, even though he came with
clothes last night.

I can't complain, he does look good.

Jimin peeks back and looks back at the frying
pan in front of him that was making some
pancakes. "I saw your note, did it go well?
Or you couldn't convince him?" Jimin asks.

"Actually, he agreed to stop. He said he'd call
off all attacks and wanted us to leave off on
common ground" I tell him.

"And you actually believe him?" Jimin questions
as I sit down at the kitchen island.

"He and I have gotten closer over the years.
I don't think he'd play me like a fool" I try to
believe in Akma. Jimin gives me a plate of
pancakes. "Areum spoke to me and said all the
witches and warlocks will meet up at the Geum
River. Something about them having to be
around nature to gain more strength" Jimin
informs me.

"And when will this happen?" I ask.

"Tomorrow night, we need everyone to forget
as soon as possible. But we'll need to tell Tae
and Hoosung" Jimin says. I wanted to laugh.

"We? You mean you. I don't like them-"

Jimin groaned "Stop being childish! We're
gonna go meet them after breakfast" Jimin
raises his voice. I begin to pout, kind of amused "Whatever you say, sir."

︿~♡__~ ☯︎ ~__♡~︿


                       "Finally, this will all be over and
people will start to come back to Korea like
nothing happened" I say to the group, well
Hoosung since the brothers were having a
staring contest. Jungkook and Taehyung just wouldn't stop staring down each other. "Can
you two just quit it?" I ask them annoyed.

"Quit what?" they ask in unison and both look
at me. "The staring! Y'all two are not even
listening to me" I say annoyed. "Sorry" they
both utter.

We were talking in a empty park. No one
in sight. Not like anyone would come outside
when there is a vampire apocalypse.

"We all should get going and meet up
tomorrow night at the Guem River" Taehyung
says. Everyone agreed and went home and
began to prepare for tomorrow.

︿~♡__~ ☯︎ ~__♡~︿

"Master, tomorrow night at the Guem River.
They're planning to ruin everything we've worked

I smirk "I'll handle them myself."

︿~♡__~ ☯︎ ~__♡~︿

What Akma didn't know, is that
there will be much more company
then expected.

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