heartbreaks & flashbacks

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           It was the next morning, I had left
Jimin in bed, who was knocked out from the
previous day's activity. The council and I were discussing how we'd approach our human vs
vampires strategy. "I personally think we should attack them in a very public place, where there's plenty humans."

"Isn't that a huge risk?" Akma questions
"Yes but we need them to know that it's
war" another council member voiced.
"I hope you do know that once we attack,
all vampire hunters will begin their hunt
once again" I tell them all. And they nod
their head in understanding what I implied.

"Is that an issue for you, Sir Jungkook?"
Akma gazes at me with taunting eyes, he
knew that my run in with that vampire
hunter made me uneasy, even when just
discussing them. But I wouldn't let him
of all people get to my head "And why'd
it be an issue? I think I'm perfectly fine"
I clap back at him with a bit of attitude
in my voice but I don't think it was

"Mhm~" Akma hums "You know Jungkook.
I'm just looking out for a good friend" Akma
puts an ugly smirk on his face. "Good my
ass" I mumble but the whole council heard
a busted out laughing and I just smirk at
Akma as he scowled at me.

~♡__~ ✰~__ ♡~

I stirred around in the warm blankets,
hurrying my deeper into my pillow and
pulling my legs into my chest. "Jimin"
I felt someone shaking me lightly, "mhm"
I groan in annoyance, not opening my
eyes. "Wake up" they shake me a bit harder
this time. "Kyong, leave me alone~" I whine a
quietly and Kyong stops messing with me.

Unexpectedly, Kyong yanked the
blanket off of me and exposing me to
chilly atmosphere of the room. "Ughhh I
said– What?.. Taehyung?" my eyes widen in
confusion. "What the fuck is this? Breakfast
in bed?! I thought you got kidnapped?!"
Taehyung exclaims and I could hear the
anger seething through his teeth. Why was
he so mad?

"Well about that-" I was going to explain
but he cut me off. "Never mind that, where
the hell is Jungkook? Did he get captured
by Akma?" Taehyung asks. "No, I think he
said something about having a council
meeting or something like that" I inform

"Is seems that Jungkook is working with
Akma.." Taehyung whispers. "Jimin, we have
to go" Taehyung hurried me "No, Taehyung,
you got it all wrong. Kook said he was
misleading them!" I try to explain. "Jimin, I
don't wanna hear it. C'mon" he tries to drag
me out the bed.

"No! Stop it!" I struggle in Taehyung's tight
grasp and kick my legs. Suddenly, the
bedroom swung open "Jimin what's wrong–
oh fuck" Kyong's eyes widen, Taehyung
immediately stops what he's doing and drops
me on to the cold wooden floor. I scramble
to get up, 'what the hell, what's the big deal?'
I thought to myself.

~♡__~ ✰~__ ♡~

"K-Kyong, you're a-alive?" I slowly shuffle
my body over to his, my boot heel making
a noise every step I take. "T-Taehyung I-"
he stutters "This is impossible! I fucking
watched you die by Akma's hand!" I exclaim
in great skepticism.

TO DO WITH THIS!" I shout in fear mixed with
rage. Akma just merely chuckles at me and
slowly starts to impale my dear Kyong's throat
with a knife. The scent of my special human's
blood filled my head. I began to cry, there was
nothing else I could do with all the emotions I
felt right now. "Please leave him and take me instead!" I sob.

"Jungkook help me please!" I shake him
as he just stands next to me with his head
hanging low. Jungkook only took one step
forward "I'd advise that you don't come
any closer" Akma smirks as he digs the knife
deeper in Kyong's neck. Kyong's cries get
weaker "Tae-hyung..pl-please" he chokes
on his own blood.

"Just take me, I beg of you" I drop to
my knees. Jungkook looks away "What's
so fun about killing my own kind? Us
vampires have to stick together."

"Jus-" I was gonna say something but
Akma slit Kyong's throat and shoved him
to the floor. "Well, that got boring real
quick" he says and licks the blood off his

I felt my body beginning to tremble, the
tears came down my face faster than ever.
My vision got blurry, he was gone. He was
really gone. Those were my last thoughts
before I passed out.

"Unless he turned you" I mutter as my
breathing got unsteady. I clenched my fist
and began to walk towards the door where
i knew Akma stood not too far out of. "No, I
love him, Taehyung" I felt my heart clench
as Kyong blocks me from me leaving.

"How.. how could you love someone that
killed you?" I question him. "Taehyung.. it's
been years, it just happened over time" he
whispered as he stares at the ground. He
sounded ashamed of himself.

I've lost my special human for the second
time. And all of this was just a game in
Akma's eyes. I began to feel my hair turn
silver, my eyes turned amber, and my fangs
grow out. I then shoved Kyong out the way.
I was going to go and find Akma and settle
this once and for all.

As I'm roaming the palace's hallways,
searching for any sound or scent of Akma.
"Tae don't do this" I hear Jimin say in a
soft tone. "Why shouldn't I?" I ask as I
continue in my stride when I feel Jimin
grip my arm and spin me to face him. He
lifts his hands to my face, using his thumbs
to wipe away my tears.

I didn't even know I was crying.

"It's not worth it, there's a bunch of
vampires in that room. They might kill you
and I don't want to ever see you dead"
Jimim holds my face in his smaller hands.
I begin to lean into his soft touch. "Jimin, my
heart hurts" I confess.

Jimin pulls me into a hug "It's okay,
everything will be okay" he strokes my hair
reassuringly. That's when we heard footsteps
"Hello, Taehyung. It's been too long."

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