jealously is the best medicine.

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My eyes flutter open, I grunt and
cross my arms over my face. I almost went
blind from at the light shining in through
the window. "Ughh~ close the damn curtain"
I mutter.

"Such language, so early in the morning"
I hear Jungkook say. I quickly get out my
groggy mood and sit up. He was sitting at
the end of the bed, sipping on a blood bag.

I tilt my head "Are you not gonna suck my
blood?" I ask with a slight pout."Are you
jealous of the blood bag and want me all to
yourself?" Jungkook jokes.

"N-No, that's not what I meant. I thought
you only drunk from me, since I'm so special
and all" I answer and clear my raspy throat,
looking away from the brunette vampire.

"Yesterday, you didn't get to eat dinner. So,
I don't wanna take your blood and risk you
dying" Jungkook tells me finishing up his
morning meal.

"Breakfast will be served shortly, Chin-Mae
will fetch you" he says and leaves me in the

I stand up out the bed, and my feet hit the
cold wooden floors. I throw myself back on
the bed. I look for my fluffy bedside slippers,
for some reason they were all the way across
the room.

It had to Jungkook's doing.

I quickly run on the cold floors and slip on
my slippers. I get into the bathroom and
strip myself of all my clothes, leaving me
completely nude.

I look my body in the mirror, I wink at
myself. That's how perfect I am, I'm a
confident king.

I brush my teeth first, and hop inside a
warm shower. I couldn't wait to read
the notebook Chin-Mae gave me, I'm very
curious about vampires lifestyle, especially

I wrap up taking a shower after washing up thoroughly. I reach for the towel and dry
myself off, I place a towel on my wet hair.
And walk into the main bedroom, I throw my
towel on the bed. I forgot to ask Chin-Mae for clothes.

But I guess he came to me instead "Morning
Jimin, do y– oh my, shii- I'm so sorry!"
Chin-Mae covered his face, but I still saw
the blush on his face.

I grab my towel and cover my lower half.
"Yeah," I chuckle to soothe the awkwardness.
"C-Could you uh.. get me some clothes?"
I ask.

"Sure thing, I'll be right back."

I ruffle my semi-dry hair and try to get the
embarrassed blush off my face. The first
time I actually felt comfortable in this house,
I get caught naked.

Chin-Mae knocks "Come in" I tell him and
he slowly creaks the door open. He hands
hands me, black silk pajamas. I mutter a
thanks "Breakfast is ready, come downstairs
when you're finished."

I get dressed and check myself in the mirror,
I don't forget to grab Chin-Mae's notebook
and go downstairs.

I walk down the huge corridor and make it
to grand staircase and head down it. I stroll
into the kitchen area and except to see
Chin-Mae but he's not here, only the chef.

"Good morning," I say politely "Morning
Jimin" he says and hands me my plate of
breakfast. "Thanks" I mutter, I begin to eat
and read Chin-Mae's notebook.

101 facts about vampires/master
(not actually 101)

Master is bloodsucking vampire, also a
energy stealing vampire. (This explains why
you pass out every time he sucks your blood. He does it sometimes, not everytime)

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