bad news & transformations

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              Father and I made it home. I was
tired and ready to jump into my bed. But I
mind was set on him. I was so happy he was
alive. Dad turns around and locks the door
and looks at me with a smile "You did great
tonight, Jimin" dad praises me.

"Thanks, I learn from the best" I chuckle,
I was relieved that he didn't see me let a
whole ass person run out of the hospital.
Dad chuckles as well and pats my shoulder
"Goodnight, son."

"Night, Dad," I say and he goes upstairs
to him and mom's bedroom. I let out a
deep breath and also head upstairs to my
bedroom. I open my room door and see
Gunwoo leaned up against the headboard
with his face into his knees. "Gunwoo?"
I call out his name softly as I make my
way to the bed.

I sit down and place my hand on his
shoulder "What happened?" I ask "The
monster...I-I had a n-nightm-mare" Gunwoo
chokes on his sobs. I knew this would be
traumatic for Gunwoo. Unexpectedly,
Gunwoo jumps into my arms, hugging me
tightly. "Don't worry, no monsters can get
you when you're inside this house, okay"
I soothe his back. And nods into my
shoulder. I let him lay there, as let's out
the last of his cries and his breathing returns
back to normal.

"Hey, do you want a snack or something"
I offer. For me, I'd say all my problems were
eased back when I'd eat something. "Yeah,
hyung" Gunwoo says as he jumps off the
bed and skips out the room, damn, he's
fast. I stand up and follow him.

When I entered the kitchen, I caught
Gunwoo eating an ice cream sandwich.
I laugh "Gunwoo, it's like 1am, you're gonna
get a sugar rush and not be able to sleep"
I tell him. He pouts "But I like ice cream sandwiches~" he says in a whiny tone.
I playfully roll my eyes while smiling "Pass
me one too."

︿~♡__~ ☯︎ ~__♡~︿


It's been six days since I've last seen
him. I've been thinking about him every day.
How'd he survive everything that's been
going on? Are the others with him?

Then I decided that I should go back to
that hospital and see if he's still there.
Is the idea pretty dumb? yes. But it's my
only hope to see if certainly is him.

I grabbed a pistol full of wooden bullets
and hid it in the back of my jeans waist and
covered it with my hoodie. I throw on my
shoes, ready to leave but I someone called
me "Jimin hyung, where are you going?"
Gunwoo asks.

"Woo, I'm gonna go meet up with an old
friend of mines," I tell him. "Oh...well, be
safe, hyung" Gunwoo hugs my torso, I look
down ruffle his hair "See ya later, Woo."

︿~♡__~ ☯︎ ~__♡ ︿

I cracked open the door to the hospital,
it loudly creeks all the way open. I enter and
notice the vampires from six days ago were still
dead on the dirty ground. Their skin was white
pale and their veins were blue and popping out
their skin.

I quietly step over their dead bodies and
continue to look through the abandoned
hospital. I went to the elevator that was in
the lobby and pressed the button and as
expected it was out of order.

"Ugh~" I grunt in annoyance. I began
walking down the hallways of the hospital.
I kept checking each room I'd pass to see if
he was hiding in any of them. There wasn't
really any sign that anyone was staying here
other than the blood packs thrown into every
room you walked into. But nonetheless, I kept

Suddenly, I began to hear footsteps from
somewhere. I pulled back my hoodie and
placed my hand on my pistol. I began to
speed walk through the hall, I heard
whispering, I couldn't make out what
they were saying.

As I sharply turned the corner, I bump into
him. I blink in surprise but I look up and see
him. "Jimin" he smiles at me.

"CHIN-MAE!" I shout in excitement, I yank
Mae into the tightest hug I could muster up.
Mae squeezes me back as he rests his head on
top of my head. "Min...I thought you were
dead until last night. I missed you" he says
as we still embrace each other.

"I missed you too, Mae," I tell him and
pull away from the hug with my hands on
his shoulders. "Where's Tae?... Jungkook?"
I ask, expecting Mae to know about their

"I haven't seen Master since the Busan
massacre, which was two and a half years
ago" Mae tells me. "And for Taehyung..
I haven't seen him since the last time I've
seen you."

I stood there in silence for a few moments
"So you're telling me they could be dead?"
I whisper as my hands slide off Mae's
shoulders and swung to my sides. Suddenly,
I felt a wave of sadness overcome me.
"Jiminie, I couldn't tell you that," he says
with concern in his eyes.

Mae notices the surprising difference in my
mood. "Are you okay, Min?" he questions
"Yeah, I'm fine Mae. It's just that... I'm
worried about them that's all" I confess.

"We're in that same boat, Jimin."

My phone began to ring, I checked the ID,
it was father "I'm sorry, give me a second."
I walk away and answer the phone "Jimin,
where are you?" Dad asks.

"I'm out, why?"

"Come back now! I can't save you if you
aren't by my side. And your mother is
worried sick because you randomly

I roll my eyes, I understand why he's so
worried. But he's acting like I'm in
elementary school and not a grown man.
"Alright, Dad. I'm coming home now" I
say and hung up but I heard a whoosh
sound and gust of wind moved my hair
a bit.

I turn around quickly to tell Mae that there's
a vampire in the hospital. But he was gone

Then it hit me.

"Ah fuck" I whisper "Mae is a vampire."

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