rival stepbrothers.

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          As soon as Jungkook left me after
we ate breakfast and chit chatted just a bit.
I decided to my morning routine, brushing
my teeth and washing up.

I threw on some silk yellow pajamas since
I wasn't planning to do anything anyways.
As soon as I walk out of the room I was
dragged to the side. "What. The. Hell.
Was. That?" Chin-Mae asks.

"I was just walking out the room-"

"No! You and Jungkook! Did y'all two have
sex?!" Mae shouts. "No! And shut up! Why
are you so loud?" I ask. "I have never seen
Master look at anyone that way, let alone
cuddle them."

"You seem difference, like you let your
guard down. Your aura is less.. tense"
Chin-Mae looks at me with suspicion.
"I mean.. he.. did kiss me" I confess.

"OHHH~ MY MY MYYY-" I place my
hand over Mae's mouth to shut him up.
"Would you keep it down." I ask but more
like telling him to be quiet.

"This is big, Jungkook rarely kisses people.
At least from what I know" Chin-Mae tells
me. "But he told me it was for healing my

"Then he's definitely lying, Jungkook would
just heal you by using his hands."

I stay silent thinking of all the times,
Jungkook has kissed my shoulders or my
neck to heal my bite wounds.

Chin-Mae and I head downstairs and notice
Jungkook and Tae just glared at one another.
Until they saw me "Jimin!" they say in unison.
I widen my eyes, wondering what the two
of them might want from me.

"Ye-Yeah...?" I question. "Who do you like
better, me or Taehyung?" Jungkook asks.
I blink in confusion "He obviously likes me
better you idiot! You tried to kill him twice
now!" Taehyumg states angrily.

"...what are the stakes?" I ask. I don't want
to pick either one of them until I know what
they need it for. Plus, this decision is quite

I recently saw Jungkook's soft side and I
love it. I've seen Tae's caring and goofy
side, I also love that.

"I...I" I fake stutter to build suspension.
"I...I don't know to be honest. Both of you
are pleasant to be around most of the time"
I answer.

"It will decide who takes you to the ball
in three days" Chin-Mae answers. "Ball?"
I question "There will be a ball held at
Sir Jeon's palace. It happens three times
a year. But for this year it's the last until
next year."

"Now who do you choose?" Tae implores.
"I still don't know who pick-" Jungkook cuts
me off. "Right now and going on until Friday.
Taehyung and I will be competing with each
other to court Jimin" Jungkook declares.

"Court me?!" I question.

"Deal!" Taehyung exclaims "Wait..Why?!"
I ask. "Every year they go without an partner
and their father always complains about it"
Chin-Mae whispers.

Next thing I know Taehyung was in front
of me and lifted my wrist. "I'm confident
you'll pick me by the end of this" Tae pecks
my hand.

Jungkook shoves Tae and kisses my cheek
and whispers in my ear. "I know you'll choose
me, darling."

I stand frozen and blushing the complexion
of a rose. "Choose who you wanna hang out
with first" Chin-Mae says. ".....T-Tae," I say

"Yes~!" I hear Tae exclaims "You're lucky,
you imbecile. I will woo him even better
than you" Jungkook says to Tae and leaves
the room.

"Go on Jimin, get dressed," Tae tells me
"Where are we going?" I ask. "You'll see,
just know we're gonna have fun."

I go upstairs and look through my wardrobe,
picking out a nice, casual outfit.

I go upstairs and look through my wardrobe,picking out a nice, casual outfit

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{discard the bag & sunglasses}

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{discard the bag & sunglasses}

"Ohh~ you look nice for your date" Mae
tells me as he joins me walking down the
corridor. "Stop joking, it's not a date it's a...
a friendly outing."

"Hmhm whatever. Just have fun and don't
get in trouble because you know Taehyung"
Chin-Mae warns me. "Okay, Mom. See you
later" I say sarcastically and head downstairs.

Seconds after I arrive "You look stunning,"
Tae compliments and I thank him with a smile.
"I hope you're ready for today."

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