training & who is he?

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          The sun was gleaming threw the blinds.
Gunwoo was still sleeping in like usual. Also,
I just got finished throwing on some clothes.
Hoosung sent me a text saying 'Taehyung and I
are ready. Meet us at the abandoned mall, see
you there :)'

That was sent thirty minutes ago, I was late.

Grabbing my keys, I dash out my room and
down the stairs. I place my hand on the knob
ready to leave. "Where are you going so early?"
my father caught me. I roll my eyes and turn
around to him "I'm going out" I answer.

Dad blinked blankly at me "I heard you enter
the house very late last night? Where were
you?" he interrogates me. "Last night, I was
out as well," I tell him, I was in a rush and
needed to go, pronto.

"Jimin, I'm just looking out for you. It's a
dangerous world out there at this time-"

"Dad, I'm grown. Okay?" I tell him clearly, as
I open the front door. "I don't know when I'm
coming back, so don't expect me anytime soon"
I add annoyed. Dad sighs and nods his head
"Take this," he says and hands me a wooden
bullet gun "Be safe," he tells me. I take the gun
and give him a small smile "Thank you, " I say
and to leave the house.

︿~♡__~ ☯︎ ~__♡~︿

I arrive at the abandoned mall.
The door shuts behind me, and I begin to look
for Tae and Hoosung. The mall didn't look
abandoned but it sure as hell was empty and

I walk over to the escalator, of course it wasn't
powered, yet I still decided to climb up them.
So far, I haven't spotted Hoosung or Tae, they
most likely left since I took so long. I pulled out
my phone to text them and ask where they were.

As soon as I began to type, I heard a loud
shriek coming from the back of the mall. I
stopped texting and immediately started
sprinting to where the noise emerged from.

It didn't sound like Hoosung or Taehyung.
I had to save whoever it was.

I stopped in front of the store that I heard
the scream emerges from. I heard quiet
whimpers, it sounded like crying. I draw
out my gun and held it under my jacket.

I silently walk into the shop and see the two
people I've been looking for. Doing the
complete opposite of what I expected.

"Hoosung! What the hell?!" I exclaim,
tucking my gun back in the waist of my jeans. Hoosung was sucking a human dry of their
blood. The human was silently crying to
themselves, he was probably compelled by
Tae to keep quiet and calm.

Taehyung was smiling proudly as he pats
Hoosung's back.

"Tae, stop him before he kills the guy!" I shout.
Taehyung chuckles and looks at me "Why it's
part of our nature. Are you disturbed by this,
Jimin?" Taehyung asks smirking.

My nose flares and I start breathing heavily
out of anger. I decided to take manners into
my own hands. I rush over to Hoosung and
forces him off the dying human, Hoosung
immediately tries to attack back by grabbing
my arm and twisting it. I cry out in pain.
It hurt like hell.

Taehyung grabs Hoosung by his collar and
flinging him into a clothes rack. Hoosung
grunts in pain as he lies on the floor "Attack
any human but not him" Tae says with obvious
anger but stayed calm posture.

Hoosung quickly leans up and stands back on
his feet. "Welcome to our group of people who
has feelings for Jimin" Hoosung says sarcastically.

I huff out my nose and roll my eyes. "Bold of
you to assume that I have feelings for Jimin"
Taehyung says irritated.

I wanted to change the topic.

"You guys said that we'd do this together"
I pout "Yet y'all till went ahead and did it
without me" I say. "Be earlier next time, babe.
Maybe if-" Taehyung cuts Hoosung off.

"Hoosung was in pain and needed to get blood
asap. Plus, you were an hour late, Jiminie"
Taehyung gives me a boxy smile. I smile at
the sudden use of my nickname.

"No feelings for him my ass" I hear Hoosung
mutter. I press my lips together and shake my
head, irked that Hoosung keeps bringing up
that awkward topic.

I change my mind, I don't like this new Hoosung.

"Anyways, who is this Jungkook guy, you guys
keep talking about?" Hoosung questions.

"He's one of the reasons why this war even
started" Taehyung speaks up. "How does a
human cause a vampire war?" Hoosung asks,
looking genuinely confused.

You've gotta be kidding me.

"You seriously don't know who Jeon Jungkook
is?" Taehyung asks, looking like he was on the
verge of laughing. Hoosung just shrugs his

"First of all, Jungkook is a vampire. And is also
in a relationship with Jimin.. at the moment"
Tae says. Hoosungs mouth suddenly made an
'O' shape.

"Hyung, you're dating a vampire?!" Hoosung
exclaims. "I thought you were dating a human.
So, I was thinking that since I'm now a vampire
and he's a human that I could kill him and win
you over but never mind I guess..." Hoosung
says a bit too seriously.

"What. The. Fuck" Taehyung chuckles at my
reaction. "Jimin, that look on your face is
priceless" he says.

"So," Hoosung says "When do I get to learn
these vampire tricks?" Hoosung says rubbing
his hands in excitement. "Actually, right now"
Tae tells him. "The vampire speed run is pretty
simple. But compelling a human takes time and..blood. The older you are the stronger
you're compelling powers are. So... let's get

︿~♡__~ ☯︎ ~__♡~︿

            We've been here for almost two hours
now. Hoosung practically mastered the vampire
sprint. But compelling was definitely where he
struggled. He's been trying to compel me for
twenty minutes. And it just wasn't working.

"Twirl around three times" Hoosung looks me
dead in my eyes, trying to compel me. "No, it's
like this" Taehyung pushes Hoosung to the
side. Tae glares at me "Why don't you spin
around for me, Jimin" Taehyung's voice echos
through my head.

Suddenly, I had no thought except that I should
spin around like Taehyung had told me.

I spun around and I could think once again.
'Freaky' I thought to myself "Ughh! I can't do
it!" Hoosung complains to Taehyung. I look
at the two vampires in front of me.

Unexpectedly, my phone began to ring and
the vampires look in my direction. I hesitate
to answer since it was an unknown number.
"Are you gonna answer that?" Taehyung asks.

I answer the call and lift it up to my ear
"He's here" a familiar voice spoke but I still
couldn't make out who it was. "Wait who—"
the person hung up the call. "What's wrong?"
Tae questions.

"He's here..?" I relay the message.

Then there was a heavy gust of wind behind me.

Taehyung and Hoosung stare behind me with
widen eyes. Who the hell was it?

"Taehyung" the person spoke angrily.


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