crucial decisions & hated allies.

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My body felt restraint, something was
holding me down. It was dark also but I had
my eyes wide open. "I swear I have to do
everything myself! You, idiots, can't even
kidnap a helpless human!" unexpectedly,
there was a man's voice booming loudly
throughout the room.

I tense up in the uncomfortable chair but
I don't make it seem like I wasn't awake.
"S-Sorry, your majesty. We were just intimidated
by the human's smell. He had Sir Jungkook's
scent all over him and we just thought he was
close by."

"Well, what did you think he'd smell like?
Taehyung? He's his special human for crying
out loud!- You know what? Just leave, you good
for nothing servant!" the deep voice roared at his workers. "Sorry once again, your Majesty." I hear
a voice whimper weakly and footsteps proceed to walk out of the room.

I then hear the footsteps of expensive dress
shoes make their way over to me. I began to
feel scared and anxious, my heart starts to
speed up. But then I remembered that Kook
said that vampires could sense how fast our
heart rates were. I knew I fucked up.

"A slick one, aren't you?" the man was
suddenly close to my ear. Last thing I felt
was his hand chopping the side of my neck
and I was then fast asleep.

~♡__~ ✰~__ ♡~

I was back in the mansion and everyone was
in panic and dread. I told Chin-Mae to spread
the news to everyone in the family, including
Yoongi and even Taehyung. Well, maybe I
shouldn't have told Taehyung cause all he's
doing is complaining. And it's not helping
our Jimin situation.

"I swear Jungkook if Jimin dies like Kyong
did I'll never forgive you!" Taehyung yells
at me. His mother tries to calm him down as
she rubs his back gently. I roll my eyes
at the weak threat, it's not like I don't already
have a grudge against Taehyung. So, it's not
like him not forgiving me will affect us.

But if it's about Jimin, then it's a completely
different story. "Taehyung, yelling won't get
us anywhere" dad calmly tells him, Taehyung
then stopped yelling and the room became
quiet for a second. "So, Jungkook how
do you plan to save Jimin from the dark-
hearted?" Yoongi questions.

I stay quiet, I had no answer for him. This
happened to Taehyung's human once before.
They wanted me to return and become their
leader, so I could start the revolution.
Vampires vs. Humans.

"Our best bet is if Jungkook would rejoin
them-" Taehyung's mother and that really
threw me off guard. "Rejoin them?! They're
all fucking idiots! They think they can stand
up against humans?! Did y'all forget why
us vampires hide our identities?" I snap them.

"But Jungkook, this is the only way. We
already experienced what they do if you
don't give in" dad places a hand on my
shoulders. "No, if I start the revolution against humans. And we lose, basically the whole
vampire race will be wiped out. After all the
year's we turned people into vampires, it'll be
just a waste-"

"I understand. But do you really want Jimin
to die? He's your first special human and
you've only had him for a good two months"
dad continues to try and convince me. "You
know what?" I pause making everyone shut
up "I'll ask my familiar" I say as I turn to look
at Chin-Mae and he stares back in surprise
"M-Me?" he stutters.

"Mae, what should I do? Should I try to
get to retrieve Jimin by joining them or try to
do it from the outside?" I inquire.

"In my opinion, I think you shouldn't rejoin
them," he says and I smile. "As I said-" I was
gonna say but Chin-Mae began to speak again.
"You shouldn't literally rejoin them but instead,
act like our on their side to infiltrate their base
to keep an eye on Jimin."

Everyone's eyes widened "Brilliant, Chin-
Mae" dad praises him. I roll my eyes once
again "But what if they realize I'm deceiving
them?" I ask."You're part wizard Jungkook,
you can handle some lightweight bodyguards" Taehyung says.

I sigh "Chin-Mae...tell him to meet me at
the bridge. He knows which one."

~♡__~ ✰~__ ♡~

"Well, if it isn't Sir Jungkook. I knew you'll
join us again. If we had your precious
human-" Akma says but I was really not up
for hearing his bullshit. "Shut up, and lets
get straight to the point."

"Wow, it's been years since we've actually
spoken and you treat me like this" Akma
dramatically places his hand over his chest.
"Maybe if you didn't kidnap my human so
violently. I would be much more pleased
to be seeing your face" I give him a fake

Akma's smile completely fades "If you'd
just help us like you originally planned.
I wouldn't have to do such violent actions to
get your attention-" I cut Akma off."Akma,
you know I've given that lifestyle up after that incident."

"A little run-in with a vampire hunter really
scared you into a rabbit hole" Akma says
with sarcasm laced in his voice. "A little run
in? I almost died that night, Akma!"

Akma shut his mouth and didn't say
anything for a few seconds "Jungkook...are
you gonna help us or not?" Akma asks me
in a serious tone. "Yes. But only because you
have Jimin."

~♡__~ ✰~__ ♡~

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