hormones & old friends

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  "Ta-Taehyung-" I voice loudly but he
quickly covers my mouth with his hand. My
eyes widen like they were about to jump out
their sockets. "Shh.. don't say my name. He
might still, be able to hear you" he whispers.

I shove his hand off my mouth "Who?" I ask
"Jungkook" he states. Jungkook? Why would
he be terrified of Jungkook? "Why though?"
I question him as my head unconsciously tilts
to the side.

"Do you really think after I murdered you,
that bastard wouldn't strive for revenge.
You must still not know Jungkook" he tells
me out of anger. My eyebrows furrow at his
choice of words.

"I'm sure if he wanted you dead.. you'd be
dead, Taehyung" I shot back, getting our petty
disses out of the way. Taehyung glares at me for
a second but continues to speak. "How are you
alive anyway?" he inquiries.

I kind of had a little bit of bad blood with
Taehyung. I mean... he fucking killed me then
went on the run. I'm sure he could sense the
slight hatred I had for him.

I blink at him "A miracle I guess," I say.

He hums but then looks over to the bushes
in our front yard. "You do know that there was
a dying human in your front yard. I had to move
him in the bushes because a little boy was
checking outside" Taehyung informs me.
Dying... who? Then hit me.

Fuck, how could I forget?!

"Hoosung!" I exclaim and bolt over to bushes
and see him still knocked out but still breathing.
I sigh in relieve, I'm surprised he isn't awake— Hoosung suddenly started breathing heavily and shaking his in a frantic manner. Taehyung walked
closer to Hoosung and examed his body. "Don't
tell me that he's turning into a vampire?" Tae questions.

I nod my head "It was our only option," I say
weakly as I watch Hoosung struggle. I couldn't
do anything about it.

"Jimin, move before he opens his eyes" Tae
tells me as backs up himself. "Why?" I look
back at him, ignoring his orders "Jimin" Hoosung
calls out to me. I glance back at the newly breed vampire, he was staring me dead in my eyes.

"Fuck," Tae blurts out "Jungkook will
definitely kill me now" Taehyung groans,
pacing back and forth behind me. "What wrong,
Tae? He looks completely fine" I tell him, trying
to find the problem with Hoosung. Which I
personally couldn't see.

"Yeah, he's fine but now he fancies you," Tae
says irritated. "Fancies me?" I question looking
back up at Tae. "To him, you're his soulmate
until he finds his special human, which I doubt
is anytime soon" Taehyung informs me with
his arms folded. Wait what— you've got to be
kidding me.

"But how.. why?" I ask, getting up, looking
at Tae. "New vampires will absorb the first
humans oxytocin and vasopressin hormones or
some people like to say "love hormones". The
very first they see in the first thirty minutes of
their transformation, they will technically love
them. Doesn't matter if that human doesn't have
the same feelings for them" Tae enlightens me.

"But Hoosung actually had feels for me before
turning" I mutter.

"Even worse. That means his feelings for
you are real. And not just forced in his mind
because he transformed" Tae tells me.

I dramatically look up at the night sky and sigh,
why is so much shit happening lately? "Can't
you just stay and help me with h-" I was going
ask a question but Tae cut me off.

"Stay?!" he exclaims "Jungkook is hunting me
down and you want me to stay?" Taehyung asks
in disbelief. "You've definitely lost your mind"
Tae says.

"Tae please~ I can't let Jungkook know about
Hoosung, he'd kill him!" I beg subtlety. "That
sounds like a you problem" Taehyung says to
me and I give him a blank stare for a second.
"Please help me and I'll convince Jungkook to
stop trying to kill you" I tell him.

Taehyung looks at me for a second "Jungkook
is not that easy to persuade. No matter what
feelings he has for you" Tae says.

I roll my eyes "Promise me, I'll get him to
stop. Trust me." I look Taehyung in his eyes.
"It's a deal then" Tae smiles.

"Okay, enough of this friend bonding shit.
My two top teeth fucking hurts, I have a
migraine and I have a sudden urge to drink
or eat something I've never tasted" Hoosung

You could definitely see the difference
between human Hoosung and the vampire
Hoosung. Human him rarely used curse words,
his body language as well. He seemed more
relaxed, he used to be so uptight and kept a
straight posture.

I might like this version of him.

"Ah~ that's the urge to drink blood, my
friend" Taehyung puts his arm on my shoulder
and leans on me. I look at him for a second and
then back to Hoosung. "You gotta be kidding
me. Am I really a vampire?" he asks skeptically.
He didn't look like he was freaking out, he kind
of looked... excited?

Tae nods his head "But I don't feel any
different" Hoosung says. "Of course, you don't..
yet. You need to get your first taste of blood to
get any of the vampire abilities," Tae tells me.

Tae and Hoosung look at me. I look back at
them confused, giving them the 'Why are you
looking at me like that?' look.

It took me a second to understand what their
stared meant and then I didn't hesitate to tell
them no.

"Oh no, nope nope" I refuse, Tae sighs "Yeah,
that was a bad idea since Jungkook would know
and we don't have warlock powers to heal you" Taehyung says. "Warlocks?" Hoosung asks and
Tae just chuckles "That's a story for a another

"Well, it's late. So, we can worry about that
tomorrow. And Hoosung hide that bloody
shirt from other people" Tae says, giving us
his signature boxy grin and zoomed off.

I look over at Hoosung "How are you gonna
tell your parents?" I question him. "I'm not.
And I'm hoping you aren't either, Jiminie"
Hoosung changes his tone with me, it was
more seductive. I shook my head, "Hoosung
we can't, I can't"

"What do you mean, hyung?" he asks.

"Your feelings, I can't return them. I have
someone else" I tell him. Hoosung smirks
"That won't stop me from trying, hyung"
he says me. Oh gosh, I just hope Jungkook
isn't nearby listening to all of this.

I give him and blank stare and I'm guessing
he caught that I didn't want him here anymore.
"Good night, see you and that Taehyung guy tomorrow" he says and heads to his car. I turn
around and head inside myself, definitely
needed a long night's rest.

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