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She screamed in anger, fighting the binders with all her strength. They didn't budge. Fear tightened in her chest, causing her to pant. It wasn't death she feared. In all likelihood, they were all dead. But she couldn't give up and allow the red-headed man to take her Force powers. It was easier to understand now why her bondmate had stayed; the thought of the galaxy in this man's hands was terrifying.

"The Force isn't a power I possess," she said, breaking the silence. "You won't suddenly be able to Force choke your underlings just because you stole my life."

Hux didn't immediately respond; he was distracted by following the steps from the hologram in his hand, whistling in amusement. "We'll see about that," he replied, unclipping her new lightsaber from his belt and igniting it. The man was clearly unpracticed with the weapon. As he ineptly spun the lightsaber in his hand—apparently no one had explained to him the importance of rolling the wrists in lightsaber combat—she hoped he accidentally cut off his own arm. "If you're right, at least I'll have this to demand order."

Rey rolled her eyes, attempting to draw him into a confrontation. If he just released her from the binders.... "The Force is so much more than a lightsaber."

Hux laughed and turned back to the controls. "Oh, really? How powerful are you without it?"

"Take the binders off, and I'll show you," Rey challenged. She tried desperately to access the Force, or the bond, but she could feel nothing. She was running out of time.

"Even if I cannot wield the power," Hux explained as he pushed more buttons, "with your death, I will have destroyed all the Force-users. Control of the First Order and the galaxy will still be mine. If my father could see how much power I have now...."

"I'm sure your father is already so proud of the sadistic mass-murderer you have become," she mumbled.

Hux turned to her with a smile. "Well, I killed him, so...."

"Is there some initiation rule in the First Order that you have to kill your family to join or...." Rey had said it flippantly, but she watched him closely as he tensed. Talking about his family was wearing down his restraint. This could be her chance.

Family it is.

"Did you kill your mother, too?" Hux's fists clenched on the controls as he emitted a low sneer. His arms were shaking. She was getting somewhere.

Oh, that one hit a nerve.

"I killed both my parents, so I guess I would fit in perfectly here," she continued. He was breathing heavily as he bent over the waist-high controls, resting his elbows on the panel to steady himself. She had seen her bondmate's body language long enough to know this man was agitated.

"Instead of taking my powers and trying to learn how to properly use a lightsaber, you should just let me rule and—"

"That's enough!" he shouted, "It's ready."

The extendable walkway retracted from the platform with a mechanical hiss. Hux pulled a lever to start the machine, and it released a low whine. The chamber below her began to spark with electricity, slowly starting to revolve. Rey pulled harder at her restraints, trying desperately to break free. As the chamber rotated methodically, the heavy crystal-lined circular cross bars began to revolve around her platform as well.

The bars moved faster until she could no longer see them. Through them, she could see Hux's wicked smile as he watched with hands clasped behind his back. A large bubble of energy began forming around her. She could sense the heaviness even through her binders. It was creating a large sphere of Force. Jerking at the binders again, she cried out into the room. She refused to beg for her life; she wouldn't give Hux the satisfaction. As the chamber spun below her, the electricity started to arc across the chamber. Terror pooled in her stomach. She stared down at the pool of liquid at her feet.

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