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"Where are the Allied ships?!" Poe shouted in frustration into the cockpit. Wave after wave of TIE fighters pummeled the already limited fleet of the Resistance. They had scrounged these ships from old Rebel bases across the galaxy. It was an eclectic mixture of X-wing, Y-wing and A-Wing starfighters. Most hadn't been used in years, and some were barely flight-worthy.

Poe had chosen an A-wing like his mother used to pilot. His fighter was faster than the TIE fighters, and he was easily able to outmaneuver them. It was disheartening, however, when he would take out a dozen fighters and moments later three dozen more would join the fight.

Explosions rocked around him as he weaved through the battle, decimating every TIE fighter in his path. Still, he was all too aware of their losses. The last of the Resistance was quickly dwindling. He knew he could not order a retreat.

Poe began to feel the hopelessness bury seeds of doubt into his mind. He watched a TIE fighter shoot down another member of the Resistance. He cried out as he obliterated the TIE in revenge. Beebee-Ate's whistle of excitement distracted him from his momentary celebration.

He saw a flash to his left and turned in his seat to get a better look. A motley fleet of starfighters, bombers, gunships, freighters, frigates, a cruiser, and a variety of transports and shuttles emerged from hyperspace. Even the last remaining ships had arrived for the fight as promised. Every ship that could be used was rallied for the strike, assembled from every corner of the galaxy; no matter the strength of the armament capabilities of the vessel. There were hundreds of ships.

"Ha, Ha!" Poe shouted in exhilaration into the emptiness, "They're here! The Allied forces are here!"

"What are your orders, Black Leader?" the Lieutenant Connix asked across the comms.

"It's time," he growled. "Let's bring down the Finalizer."

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