There we go again.

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"C'mon Niall, everything will be okay, you already met her brothers, that's the big deal" Louis said.

"So, the big deal is meeting her brothers. What about her mum and her stepdad????" I yelled at him.

"Hey mate, calm down, what time is she picking you up?" Liam asked.

"She should be here in about 15 minutes"

"It'll be alright, the Holloways are nice people, I met her mum last time I was there." Zayn said. Let's just say he's been down Essex with Charlie quite a few times already.

"I know, but... it's just... God I've never met anyone's parents and..."

"You've met our parents"

"Louis, any girl's parents" I said, as Harry walked in.

"Hey Niall Brooke's here, I opened the door."

"Hey boys" she said. She looked beautiful, as ever. I could tell by the look in her eyes she was nervous too. "Shall we go, Niall?"

"Sure. I'll see you later lads."

"Bye Niall have fun!" they said, as we got out of the house. Brooke held my hand as we were walking towards her car.

"Are you okay?" I asked her.

"Yes... I'm just... nervous I guess."

"Don't you think I can pass the test?" I said, winking at her.

"It's not you, I'm scared of them."

"I know, but I already met your brothers."

"Yes, and they really liked you, so I guess that must be extra points for you... But you know, my cousins will be there, and Adam, he's just like my dad."

"I know he's like a father to you, and those extra points may count for something to your cousins... what about your mum?"

"I'm not afraid of what she'll say. I think she already likes you a little bit."

"Do you tell her about me?" 

"Yep all the time"

"Do you spend your whole time talking about me? Well thanks babe!"

"Hey! I didn't say that!" she said, laughing and punching me on my arm. "But I don't know, she's my mum, she'll be happy with whatever and whoever makes me happy"

So yeah. I met her parents. I met her cousins. I met her aunties. And I spent most of the afternoon playing football with her little brother and her little cousins. 

"What a big family she has man!" I told the guys when I went back home.

"Yeah, Charlie told me about it."

"Did you spend time with ehr cousins and brothers?"

"Yes, after lunch. She sat there with her mum and aunties, and her cousins Jane and Kathy, and I played football with the boys."

"Good day, wasn't it?"


"I told you you didn't have to worry mate!" Louis said.

"So, you ready for Alan's show tomorrow?" Harry said.

"I wonder what he'll ask us this time."

"Yeah, I'm sure he'll bring up Charlie and Brooke topic" Zayn said.

"Why?" I asked him.

"Well, he practically set us up on our first interview there when he asked us about our celebrity crushes, remember?" I nodded. of course I remember. "Well, and the girls are going there the next day."

We have it in an Essex Way. (Niall Horan Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now