Mr Collins.

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I woke up to the sound of Haven't met you yet by Bublé, which meant it was Niall the one calling.

"Hey Niall, you woke me up."

"I'm sorry, but you should turn the TV on."

"Niall, it's 9.30, can't I sleep a bit more?"

"No! Go and turn it on! Harry is taking me to your place right now, we'll be there in 10."

"Wait, what is it... Great. I hate it when he hungs up. That's what boyfriends are for."

I got up from my bed and headed to the living room, where I found Kirsten and Maddie zapping over some TV programmes.

"Hey girls, Niall just called me and told me to turn the TV on but I don't know..."

"WHAT??? You can't be serious Zayn!," we heard Charlie coming to the room, "girls! Give me the TV controller now! I'll call you later Zayn," we all looked at her as if she was crazy. "Don't look at me like that, Niall called you for the same thing, that's why they're coming."

She put on some TV channel and that's when we understood. Mark was there, giving some interview. I could not believe my eyes, and most of all, I could not believe what he was saying.

"So, you've tried to contact your daughter after getting the divorce, right?"

"Yes, of course, I had to move to Cardiff because of my job but I always tried to keep in touch with them. The problem is that her mum started acting weird and then she got a boyfriend, her current husband actually, and decided it was better for my children not to be in contact with me. Then they changed their phone number, and you can imagine the rest of the story."

"Sure.. and, what did you think when you saw her for the first time on TV? How did you feel?"

"It was weird, to be honest, I've known the rest of the girls forever, and I never thought they'd go to an audition and try to record an album and stuff. I'm really proud of her, to be honest, but her fame just made it more difficult for me to keep in contact with her."

"Did you tried calling her? Getting her phone number in London, or her mobile maybe?"

"I've tried everything, everything. I've asked her manager for her number, but he said he couldn't give it to me."

"And what do you think of Brooke? Do you like her music? How do you think she's doing in this industry?"

"I think she's doing pretty good."

"Okay, now it's time for a more personal question. What do you think of your daughter's boyfriend, Niall Horan from the band One Direction?"

"Actually, I can't say anything good about him. I got to see him once and asked him for my daughter's number or address, anything he could give me, and he rejected me. I don't think he's good enough for her. Maybe he just wants her for her money, or her fame, or maybe to get Essex Way's fans to listen to his music, but I don't like him at all. He's just..."

I turned it off. I couldn't keep on listening to all those lies. Why was he there? What was he doing? Niall and Harry had already arrived, but none of them, not even the girls knew what to do. To be honest, neither did I. I was crushed, I never thought he'd do anything like that. I mean, I can't say I know him, because he left when I was 8, but I never thought he'd be like that. I got up from the couch and went straight to my room without saying a word. 

"You should get out of here some time," I heard Niall. Apparently I'd fallen asleep and had been there for about an hour.

"Now people will start asking and they'll think everything he said was true, when it's not," I was about to cry.

"I know babe. Your mum called."

"How is she? He said horrible things about her."

"She's okay, but she wants you to call her as soon as you can Brooke, she's worried about you."

"What about my brothers? Eric and Corey must be so mad at Mark."

"I don't know, she talked with Haley over the phone. Look at this," he said smiling and handing me his phone.

Essex Way Forever @BrookeHolloway none of the #essexwayers believe anything that man said today! We love you B! #SupportingBrookeHolloway 

Mandy Essex Way @BrookeHolloway he doesn't know what he's talking about! We'll always be here for you! #SupportingBrookeHolloway

Directioner For Life @BrookeHolloway don't care bout what he said, you and Nialler are perfect for each other! #SupportingBrookeHolloway #BriallForever

"Your fans are incredible, 'Supporting Brooke Holloway' is trending topic!"

"Thanks for being here Niall."

"No need to."

I took my phone and decided it was time to say something.

Brooke Holloway thanks for being there guys! these are the times when you know who really cares :) #EssexWayersarethebest

"Look who tweeted," he said and showed me a bunch of tweets of the girls and the rest of my friends.

Charlie Davis so yes, I could punch someone right now, any volunteers? No worries, I have one in mind. 

Haley Thomas you can't imagine how angry I am right now. Thank God people we love don't believe the lies.

Kirsten Riley some people are just freaking crap. Notice I kept the bad word for myself.

Maddie Johnson  that's why I love cats. They shit, but they don't talk about it.

Dougie Poynter if @NiallOfficial is a bad influence I wonder what he thinks about me. Bah, I couldn't care less.

Tom Fletcher I'm just going to say I agree with @MaddieJohnson

I couldn't help but laugh at those tweets. We decided to go to the living room and join the rest of the people. We had lunch at then I called my mum. She didn't want me to, but I was so going back to Essex on the weekend. I just thought those were times to be surrounded by family. She said that it was Eric the first to see Mark on TV, and he woke them all up; that Corey got so mad about it that he started shouting all over the house and locked himself in his room, and that Kevin didn't understand anything. We can't blame him though, the last time he saw our father he was 2 years old. Now I just can wait and see what happens next.

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