It's been 2 years.

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November 2010.

-So, tonight you're performing on the X Factor.-Tom asked. 

-Yes, maybe we can finish the song tomorrow morning? -I answered. 

-Sure, I'll see you tomorrow then, love. Good luck tonight!

Since that day of rehearsals back in 2008, we've become very close friends with the guys from McFly. I've written quite a few songs with Tom and some with Danny, and I must say we're really proud of them. People say it's a good combination, you know, McFly and Essex Way, and I can't deny that. We really have fun with these lads around. I'm proud to say I'm really close to Dougie. It's weird. He was my celebrity crush and now he's one of my best friends. How life changes in 2 years.

Wow. It's been 2 years since our first album. Next week, on my birthday, we're releasing the third one. Time flies. Our single, Give me a break was out last week, straight to number 1, we're lucky Rihanna didn't release anything at the same time! hahaha.

So yes, tonight we're performing on the X Factor. It's the first time we're playing Give me a break, but hopefully it will be fine. Maddie is so nervous though. She's been having problems with her voice lately, doctors say is just a cold, but she really wants to smash it on our first performance. And I'm sure she will.

-Girls c'mon, get in the car - said Josh, our bodyguard. I'm still wondering how he ended up being a bodyguard after studying Economics. He's the nicest person I've ever met, and he takes good care of us 5 every minute of the day. He's part of the family now, as well as Steven and Nick. 

-Stev, do you think it'll be ok? - Maddie asked, worried about the performance. 

-Maddie, everything will be fine, and you'll be great. There's no need to worry. 

-Steven, did you watch X Factor last week? That boyband, One Direction, they played Kids in America, my brothers used to sing that all the time when we were kids.- I said. 

-Yes, I think it was one of their best performances. You could see they were having fun and that's really important.- he said. 

-Is that the band that was formed after Bootcamp auditions? -Haley asked. 

-Yes. They must've worked hard to become such good friends. They're lucky they all get on well - Charlie pointed. Charlie was the first to watch One Direction performing on the Judges' House, and she really liked it. She forced us to watch them on the first week performing Viva La Vida by Coldplay. We really think she has a thing for that Zayn boy, though she says it's only about his voice. Sure. 

-Ok girls, here we are. Straight to the stage, we have to rehearse before tonight's show. 

So we rehearsed. Luckily Maddie sounded better this time. And later on, we performed.

-Wow girls, that was great! How are you? -Dermot O'Leary asked. 

-Hey thanks, we're good, glad to be here again -Haley said. 

-How does it feel to perform your new single for the first time? 

-It feels great, and even better if it's here on the X Factor. We've performed here before, all of our singles I think, and it's good to be back.- Kirsten answered. 

-Yes, people have always been nice to us here and we're very happy everytime we get the chance to come back.-Maddie finished. 

-And who do you think is going to win this year? Do you have any favourites? 

-Well, they're all very talented obviously, but I think our favourite may be One Direction - Charlie had to stop talking for a minute as the crowd went wild and started screaming, while we all laughed at this situation - They have a huge fan base, my sister and her friends are crazy about them! -she said, as if she wasn't hahaha- And we also appreciate what they're doing. 

-Do you know they auditioned as solo artists? 

-Yes of course, we've been watching the show lately so we've heard about that. That's why we appreciate them. We know what it's like to be in a band and live together, but we were already friends when we got the chance to record our first album, and these lads didn't even know each other. I think they've worked hard to build the relationship they have now, and that obviously makes things easier when you're on stage.-I answered. 

-So girls, well done with your number one, album's out next week, isn't it? What's its name? 

-Yeah, it's out on the 19th, next Thursday, and it's called One More Time. 

-Alright so, great performance tonight, and all the best with the new album girls. Everybody, Essex Way!

A week after our album went straight to number 2. We were going to have 2 weeks full of interviews and signings, and then Christmas break. After that, back on the road. That was the best part.

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