Just a regular Friday at the studio.

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"Girls! I'm going to the studio with Dougie! Anyone coming?," I shouted so all of them could hear me.

"I don't know why you do this, I mean, going to the studio on your day off," Dougie said, biting the apple he'd just taken. 

"Doug, I promised Tom I'd go and finish the song we started last week before I go on tour." 

"He can finish it on his own, just go shopping, watch a movie, it's your day off before the big tour! I could help Tom finish the song if you want me to. "

"Stop Dougie! I'm going to the studio with you and I'll finish the song with Tom, I don't want you writing the second part of Diarrhoea. And one more thing, don't speak with your mouth full of food." 

"Yes, ma'am. And one more thing," he said, imitating the tone I had used before, "Diarrhoea was a great song."

"Whatever," I said, laughing at him. 

"I need to go to the studio too, I forgot my phone there yesterday," Charlie said, "but Josh will take me later, I don't feel like going right now," she said looking at me with her puppy eyes. I hate her puppy eyes. 

"Alright Charls, you don't even have to say it, I'll bring your phone home safe and sound, no need to bother," I said. 

"Yay! You're the best friend in the world! In my days off I just feel like lying on the couch watching some Disney movie, and that's what I'm going to do right now," she said, taking a bowl of cereals and going to the living room. 

"Sometimes I think Charlie is the normal one and that you're the weirdo, Brooke. She's gonna do exactly what I'd do on my day off," Dougie said. 

"Then she's the weirdo." 

"I'm not the weird one in McFly anymore!," he said laughing, knowing what he said wasn't true. I smiled at my friend. 

"Whatever Doug. Let's stop teasing each other and go, Tom must be waiting for us."

Later in the studio

"Yay! We just wrote a killer tune guys!," Danny shouted. He was so proud of this new song. "Now I have to go, I promised Georgia I'd have lunch with her today. Bye guys, bye Brooke," he said, kissing my head, as he always did. 

"Tell her I said hello!," I shouted as he walked out the door. 

"Oh I want to show you something Brooke. You know I have been working on a song lately, and well, I just found the perfect band for it. I'm just waiting for them to come and listen to it," Tom said.

"Great! I Want, isn't it? I remember you showed me the chorus but nothing else. I still hate you for that, Tom," I said,  "anyway, who are they? The band, I mean. "

"Erm, you'll see, I really want you to meet them, they're pretty cool," he looked at Dougie, and they both laughed. I ignored them and starting playing my guitar. Looks like I'm gonna be at the studio longer than I expected. 

"Oh by the way, my beloved friend, you were great yesterday in Alan Carr, we haven't talked about it yet," Dougie said, laughing along with Tom and raising his eyebrows. Right, we haven't talked about it, but he texted me yesterday right after the interview:

From: Captain Dougwash (it was him who put this ID, it was either that or "Dougie Diarrhoea", and there was no way I was gonna have that as his ID caller) 

Hey B just seen your interview, guess we'll have a girlie talk about the Irish boy veeeeeeeeery soon xx

God, Dougie loves girlie talks about boys. He says that they help him understand women.

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