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"Man, I think it's time you ask for her number," Harry said. 

"No way, I've only seen her once!"

"Right, but you're always tweeting her!"

"I'm just trying to be friends. And anyway, she's on tour, remember?"

"Whatever," Harry said, and he went to the kitchen.

Harry's POV 

After talking to Niall I went to the kitchen and grab something to eat. I hadn't eaten anything since breakfast and I was starving. Plus, Niall was getting on my nerves. He's never been shy around girls, he always go directly to what he wants. Why was this time different? I mean, I know she was Brooke, that she sang in a band and that he has liked her ever since their first album. But man, she's just a girl! I just don't understand him.

"What did you say?," I heard Liam. I must've said something out loud. 

"Nothing, I was just talking to myself."

"I thought Louis was the crazy one," he said laughing at my answer. 

"Well yes..it's just, I don't understand Niall. If he really likes this girl why doesn't he just tell her? Or ask for her number and go on a date? It's not as difficult as it seems, you know?"

"I know, but she's on tour, I doubt she has time for dates right now Haz."

"That's true, but he keeps on tweeting her! And he's only seen her once, and it was only for 10 or 15 minutes that day at the studio with Tom Fletcher. I'm just saying that she may think he's stalking her or something!"

"Calm down Harry, I don't think she's that type of girl..."

"GUUUYYYYYYYYS! I finally got them! I FINALLY GOT THEEEEEEM!," Louis entered the kitchen screaming as if it was his last day on Earth. 

"You finally got what?"


"Jeeeesus Christ, would you stop shouting?," Niall said, as he walked into the kitchen with Zayn. 

"Irish boy, you're gonna love me after this." 

"Ok, now we're all together. You got tickets. Tickets for what?" 

"For a concert." 

"Louis, don't make this hard, just say it! Which concert is it? I just hope it's not Mariah Carey or someone like that," I said. 

"Just shut up and stop complaining! I got tickets for a concert, today, in Wembley, do I need to say anything else?," he said with a grin on his face. 

"Oh no, he didn't do this. Hahahaha Niall's gonna love this", I thought to myself. 

"Wait wait wait... do you have tickets to see Essex Way tonight at Wembley???" Niall asked, surprised and amazed at the same time. 

"So, I guess you're gonna meet Brooke today like, properly," Liam laughed at him. 

"Hey, don't forget Zayn also has a crush on Charlie," I said, and Zayn looked at me like if he was going to kill me right there.


Brooke's POV 

"So, are you nervous?," Dougie asked. They always tried to be with us before Wembley. The girls and I really got nervous everytime we played there, you know, it's Wembley! They tried to calm us down and make us have a good time backstage begore the gig. But Dougie really sucks at trying to relax people.  

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