London's a big city.

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"So you think that man you saw is your dad?," Dougie asked.


"Have you told your mum or your brothers?"


"And the girls?"

"Yes. The girls, Niall and now, you."

"Alright. What are you going to do?"

"What do you mean?," I asked, confused.

"I mean, are you going to look for him? Or just forget about it?"

"What am I supposed to do Doug? Go to that town very single day until I bump into him again?"


"And then what? What do I say to him? 'Hey Mark, remember that family you left behind back in Essex? Well I'm your daughter, nice to meet you'."

"I was thinking of something more like 'Hey asshole, I'm Brooke and everything is fucking better since you left'."

"As much as I hate to admit it, your option is pretty good," I said, looking at him. I knew he was only trying to cheer me up.

"I know. So, what are you going to do?"

"I'm definitely not looking for him. And I don't think I'll ever see him again, London's a big city."

"And what if you bump into him again?"

"I don't know. But I'd like to see what he'd do and if he'd recognise me."

From: Charlie

hey I'm at the mall with Zayn, do you want me to buy you that dress you fell in love with the other day? xx

To: Charlie

Sure! I'll give you the money when we're at home! have fun :) xx

Charlie's POV

"Alright Zayn, she wants me to buy it let's look for it," I said, and I dragged him into th shop. I still don't know how he stands me when we go shopping. All the boys I've met before hated going shopping with me. But I guess Zayn's just different.

"Is it this one?," he asked, handing me a beautiul red dress.

"No, the one she liked was green, but I'll try that one if you don't mind."

"Sure," he said, kissing my cheek, "you'll look beautiful on it."

I finally found the dress Brooke wanted me to buy and gave it to Zayn while I was trying on some clothes. I went out of the chaging rooms and joined him near the boys' section.

"Do you like anything?," I asked.

"I was just waiting fo you," he said, smiling, "you buying anything?"

"Yep, the red dress and the grey t-shirt. Do you want t check the boys' section?"


I must admit there were really nice clothes for boys in that shop. When we were heading to the changing rooms I saw something that caught my eye. It was a little boy trying on a t-shirt while his sister (I suppose it was his sister) was holding some more t-shirts. But what really caught my attention was the man that was with them. I couldn't stop staring at him. He had a cute face, I think he must've been the typical handsome oy at school every girl is in love with. But there was something I didn't like about him, and I couldn't tell what it was.

"I'm just buying the grey one and the bue sweater," I heard Zayn talking.


"The grey t-shirt and the blue sweater. I've told you 3 times now!", he said, laughing.

"I'm sorry, zayn, I was just thinking. Have you ever seen that man over there?"

"That one with two kids?," he looked at me and I nodded," no, I've never seen him, why?"

"Nothing. It's just... I think I've seen him before but I'm not sure."

"Alright then. Let's pay for these clothes and go for a coffee. Have you taken the right size of Brooke's dress?"

"Yes," Brooke.Oh God. "Wait," I stopped Zayn and took him by his arm.

"Hey! I know you want me but I don't feel like having sex in a shop!"

"As much as I like the idea, that is not what I'm trying to do. I just want to see something."

It's been 11 years since I last saw him, but he hasn't changed that much. Still that serious expression that would never leave his face back when we were kids. Still those small blue eyes, the same that Eric, Brooke's oldest brother, had inherited. I don't know how I did't recognise him when I first saw him. I think he's the man I hate the most in this world. What he did to Brooke and her family is unforgettable, and what he put them through, unforgivable. I've never seen Brooke cry that much ever again. We've been living in London for almost 5 years and have never seen him. And now, Brooke thinks she saw him at the beach and I bump into him today.

"Charlie! You're worrying me! What's wrong,babe?"

"Oh erm... it's nothing. Let's go pay and I'll tell you ater while we have a coffee."

We went to the check out pont and when Zayn was paying I turned aond. I shouldn't have. There he was, looking at me.

"Hi, it's been a long time Charlie, how are you?"

We have it in an Essex Way. (Niall Horan Fan Fiction)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum