"Do we have to start over?"

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From: Niall

You'll probably be sleeping, but I've just arrived in England. Let me know if you're free tomorrow :) xx

It's great to wake up seeing this on your phone screen.

To: Niall

Hey buddy I just saw your message, pick me up at 4? I'll spend the morning at the studio helping Nick with a new song, but I wanna be home by then :) xx

From: Niall

Don't worry :) sure, I'll be at your place at 4! Can't wait to see you :) xx

And it was even better reading this last one. So, I had decided to spend the morning at the studio just because Nick had asked for some help with his new song, and since we were having the day off from work, the girls were going with their boys. I arrived home at 3.30, and I had just gotten out of the shower when Niall knocked on the door.

"I'm coming!," I said, as I reached the door.

"Hey Brooke! I've missed you!," he said, hugging me tightly. This was even better than waking up to his messages.

"Me too!"

"Harry wanted to come, but he decided it'd be better to see you other day and leave us alone today."

"What a boy... so, what do you want to do? I'm alone, so if you're tired and wanna watch a movie and order some food, it's fine for me."

"Sounds good," he said, kissing my cheek.

We spent the whole afternoon watching every stupid programme we could find on TV, eating food and teasing each other. Once we had stop tuckling, we were lying on my bed, his right arm holding me tight.

"So... what do we do now?," he asked.

"I don't know, watch another Disney movie?," I said, smiling up at him.

"Hahaha no..I mean, about us. What do we do now? We had three dates and then I've been in America and Australia for almost 2 months, do we have to start over?"

"Start over?," I asked him, confused.

"Yes, like, having a first date again after all this time we've been apart."

"Well, I'm not really into dates or relationships, but I don't think so... Do you still feel the same about me?"

"I like you even more, Brooke."

"Then, we're good, I guess," I said, hugging his body even tighter than before- we just need a little bit of time to see where we are going.

"I know where I wanna go with this," I stood up and looked at him after his words.

"You may know, but you'll be gone in a week. It's gonna be complicated."

"Yeah I know that...and I thought Zayn had a hard time at his beginning with Charlie," we both laughed at his words, "so, you nervous about your tour? It starts next week."

"Mmm not much, not yet at least. God, promise next time we'll be on tour at the same time Niall," I laughed.

"Yeah, deffinitely, when I'm here you're gone and when you're free I'm away... But, we'll make this work... whatever it is," he said, siling.

"Good to know buddy... you nervous about your American tour in May and June?"

"A little bit, you know, it's not like the other time, it's gonna be a One Direction tour, no Big Time Rush on it."

"It's gonna be even better."

A week after

"Are you sure you all can make it on my wedding day? I mean, I want you all to come!," Tom said, while we finished packaging. Our tour starts tomorrow, and the house is a complete mess.

"Tom, I promise. We have that weekend off. All of us, the girls, Steven, Nick and Darren will be there. Stop asking the same thing all the time!," Charlie answered.

"Good. I'm just nervous. You know, I'm getting married," he said, smiling.

"Yeah, as if you haven't said that a million times since you proposed," I said, and we all laughed.

"Are you seeing the blondie tonight?," Dougie asked as we entered my room.

"Yep. He texted me a while ago saying he'd be here around 7."

"Good. How's it going?"

"Good, I guess. Nothing official nor serious yet, to be honest."

"That's good, Brooke. Don't rush things."

"Yeah, I know. I think it's better this way."

"Good, see you when you gt back, I'll try to make it to one of the shows at least," he said, kissing my cheek.

"You better! Bring Lara along with you," I said, smiling up at my friend, and giving him a tight hug.

"I'll do my best to accomplish you wishes, ma'am."

"You'll never change, will you?"

"Nope! Bye Brooke, see you soon babe."

"See you soon Doug."

Later that afternoon

"Stop tuckling me Niall! Stop!," I said, laughing. We had been teasing each other ever since he arrived at my place. He'd helped me finish packing my stuff since the minute he walked through my door, and had decided it was time to have a little fun. "There is no better way to have fun than to tease you", he had said.

"Not until you say you'll miss me!"


"You know you'll miss me," he said, stopping the tuckling and turning me around, so I could face him, "you just have to admit hit," and then he smiled.

"Alright then. I'll miss you, and so will you!"

"Of course, babe, but there's no need to say that, everybody knows I'll miss you," he said, kissing my lips, and smiling again,"I can't wait for your tour to be over."

"If my tour is over, it means you'll start yours," I reminded him.

"No, it means there would only be 3 weeks left of my tour, which, at the same time, means there would be only 3 weeks left til we are both on holidays!," he shouted, raising his arms.

"Okay then, but let's just enjoy the tour time, right?"

"Sure, babe."

We have it in an Essex Way. (Niall Horan Fan Fiction)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu