A month after the audition.

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"Thank God we have just one month left at school and then....SUUUUUMMEEEERRRRRR!!!" Charlie screamed while we were waiting for the other 3 to finish their last lesson.

As you can see, Charlie is the crazy one in our group. Sometimes she can be annoying, but it's good to have someone like her around us, even if it's just to remind us that we only live once and we have to enjoy every minute. I met her at school when I was 6 years old. At first, I didn't really know if I liked her or not. She was a loud girl, and I was used to Haley, my quiet best friend. But I think I just got used to it (and I must say she's been corrupting me ever since the day we met). Haley is a year older than us. I've known her forever, since my mum and hers are very close friends. She's the quietest of us 5, she doesn't talk too much, but she always knows what to say. And she's always always always right. Believe me when I say so. Charlie nicknamed her "Mummy Hales" the day I introduced them. When I heard that I thought Haley would just turn around and never talk to Charlie again, but she just laughed and said "God, I love this girl!". Kirsten and Maddie are also a year older than Charlie and I. Haley and I met them the last day of summer when I was 5. Maddie had just moved to the house next to Haley's, and Kirsten was her best friend. Maddie is the official joker of the group. She'd be the one to prank call you at 2 a.m. on a summer night just because her nan's hometown in Yorkshire is boring. At 2 a.m. For a 15 year old girl. Oooookay. And Kirsten... well, she's a mix between Charlie and Maddie, altough she sees herself as the female version of Peter Pan and many other Disney characters.

"I swear Mr Emslie is by far the worst English teacher I've ever had. And I don't usually complain about the teachers in this school," said Haley. 

"I think he should retire, like, NOW. Anyway, any news on the auditions of last month?," asked Maddie. 

"I really think we should forget about it. It's been a month. Plus, we're still young and have our whole lives to audition," Kirsten said, and I agreed. 

"Well yes, but it would be nice to know at least if they thought we were good and have any chance, like, for the future, you know? Anyways, we still have to finish that song we started on Monday, see you all at my place at 5? My dad doesn't need the garage today so we could use it," Charlie said. 

"Good for me." 

"See you at 5 then. "

"I'll be there at 5.30, so I can see Lucas before that," Haley said.

"You cheesy lovebirds. Fine, Brooke, bring some of your mum's cookies pleeeaaaseeeee," Charlie begged. 

"Hahaha, I'll try to Charls, I'll try to."

2 weeks after...

"But you'll have to finish your studies while you record the album," said Steven, our soon-to-be manager. 

"We'll hire a teacher for Haley, Kirsten and Maddie, and another one for Charlie and Brooke, since you are in a different year," said the old man in the audition, Darren. 

"And once you finish this year in 3 weeks, you'll have a month off back home in Essex. After that, you'll move to London. You'll all live in the same house and we'll go and pick you up everyday and take you to the studio to start working on the album," remember the man I didn't notice in the audition? Well, he said that. His name was Nick. 

"Now you can go home. Your parents have already signed the contract. I'm proud to say they were happy we had ourselves taken into account your studies. We'll call you every week to see how you're doing and if you're writing new stuff," Steven said.

"Ok, so, does this mean that, whether he retires or not, I won't have to cope with Mr Emslie and his classes ever again?," Haley asked, still not believing she was gonna say goodbye to her English teacher. 

"Mmm I don't know who that is, but I guess the answer is yes," Darren said, laughing at us. 

"Hell yeah! And by the way, you do not want to know who that is," Kirsten stated, all serious. 

"Alright then girls, Essex Way is gonna record an album!," shouted our loud girl Charlie outside the studios.

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