Ch2: Poor Chao-zu (Edited)

Start from the beginning

"Gohan now! FIRE!" Piccolo snapped, "Gohan!"

"B-but I'm scared."

"Disgracful." Vegeta scoffed.

"It's probably the human in him." I said patting his crossed arms.

"Coward!" Piccolo growled, causing Gohan to flinch.

'Owch harsh.' We watched Piccolo and Krillin continue by themselves, shooting a double energy shot at Nappa, there was a spring in Piccolo's.

Unfortunately, Nappa was able to dodge them since the rays weren't in sync with each other. The bald Saiyan's blood lust and anger were though. "Prepare yourselves because I'm going to kill all of you."

"You better not touch the Namekian." I said putting a bit too much emotion into my words. A shiver crawled up my spine as I slowly turned to meet my brother's fiery gaze. "For the propose of finding the Dragon Balls and nothing else." I laughed nervously, stretching the collar of my armor.

No one paid any attention to Ten who apparently had some strength left in him to release a major blast at Nappa to in attempt to avenge his buddy, "CHI KUNG BLAST!"

"Phew." And yet again Nappa's still standing, since he refuses to die. "Don't scare me like that."

"I..I.. failed.." Ten spoke his last words before he too met his end.

"He fought like a man and died like a dog." Vegeta insulted?

"I think that's the nicest thing you have  said about an opponent, Brother." I know he was saying it was be a dick but I like to think he has some kindness in him....a drop.

"Goku!! Hurry!! Please!!" Krillin shouted at the top of his lungs after seeing another friend dying before his eyes.

"There's that name again. Who..wait-" Vegeta cut himself off, putting the pieces together.

"What is it?" I asked, never liking when his gears were turning.

"You remember me telling you about the Saiyan sent to Earth to destroy it?"

"Yeah.." I nodded, already knowing what he was insinuating. It made sense he was a the only Saiyan on Earth, but you never guess that happy-go-lucky man would have once been the potential destroyer of this place.

Piccolo and Krillin were now retreating down with Nappa speeding at them to I hope not to blow anything on them, since I'm pretty sure none of them swung that way.

"NAPPA WAIT!" Vegeta screeched, causing Nappa's actions to holt.

"What's wrong with you? All I have to do is-"

"Don't be in such a hurry." He said uncrossing his arms to rest his hands on his hips. "Besides there are things I need to ask them." He looked over to the right of where the guys had landed. "This 'Goku' you constantly mention is Kakarrot, yes?"

"Yeah, so what?" Krillin answered crudely.

"Well, well. He really did come back to life with the Dragon Balls." Vegeta was glowing at this confirmation. "He must be your only hope then. Question is what good will he be if he wasn't even a match for Raditz?"

"He's different from before!" Krillin argues, "He's more powerful than ever!"

"Goku is not one to underestimate." Piccolo backed up for him.

"WAHAHAHAH! Then where is he?" Nappa laughed midair. "Too afraid?"

"No! He'll Come!" Gohan defended his missing father, losing his own fear for a moment. "Daddy'll come and beat you guys up!"

"Hehehe such faith." Vegeta snorted at the youngest saiyan's loyalty. "Since that was so touching, we'll wait until he does come."

"What? Vegeta You're joking!" Nappa scowled, "He's never going to come so lets just finish them off."

"We'll wait for three hours and no longer." Vegeta said holding up three fingers.

"Three hours?! What am I supposed to do in that time? I've been in suspended animation for too long! My body is hungry for action! So, to hell with waiting!" The beast went to attack despite his Prince's orders, but Vegeta quickly shut that shit down.

"Nappa! Do what I say!" Vegeta hissed, his tone scaring the large man.

"Sorry I-I got carried aways." He shook like a tiny pup that got caught peeing on the rug.

"Wow, you have him like a whipped bitch." I gleamed, staring at him with stars in my golden eyes. "You're awesome, Brother."

"I know." He smugly said, enjoying the boost to his ego. He smirked at the remaining fighters saying. "There I've given you three extra hours of life enjoy it."

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