Chapter 16

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help me

Jimin pov
(before he went to taehyung)
As I was sitting in Hoseok's arms, crying softly as my tears got soaked up the material of his shirt. I started thinking about Taehyung, of course, he is probably the main topic on all of our minds right now.

'Where could he have gone? Where would he go?' I started thinking, he's told so many places he likes to go to calm down, but none of them seem dangerous, especially because we don't have access to the roof of the bighit building anymore. I think some staff got caught smoking up there or something, I was really never told, just going off of what I've heard.

There's the abandoned school, those trees, but both of those are 6 hours away according to the maps app on my phone. Maybe the old dormitory? No, he would go there. The owner doesn't really like it when we go there to visit.

Then the thought came, I knew I was right immediately.

I remembered the conversation we had only a few years ago, about how he said if things got too tough he would jump off that bridge.

I sat up straight, jumping up to my feet so I could go get my shoes.

"Jimin-ah, what are you doing?" Yoongi asked, standing up as everyone but jungkook and hoseok who were hugging on the floor. He's probably shook from getting yelled at by taehyung. He always gets really upset when anyone from the company yells at him, but I think he hates it more when his youngsters yell at him. He has always been sensitive. The cute, sensitive, sunshine baby.

Pulling my mind away from hobi, I look at yoongi in the eyes before I answer, "I know where he is, I'm going to the company to take one of the cars to go drive there. And before you ask, no, you cannot come with me. I need to do this alone, I know how to make him come back. Because we all know how stubborn that boy is." I say, them all letting out small signs of disappointment, I assume for not allowing them to come with me.

"Okay then, good luck jiminie. come back with him, okay? Fighting!!" seokjin-hyung says, yelling at the end, pumping his fist in the air.

I smile at him, grabbing the door handle before yelling 'fighting!' back, walking out the door.

As soon as I close the door I take off running to the company building. He lived on the first level, and nobody on the second level because the company didn't want us to have disruptions or something.

30 minutes later I am at the company building, panting hard. I walk around looking for one of our many drivers, seeing one of them. Luckily for me, the guy is always a sweetheart and immediately gave me the keys, probably hearing how desperate I was for them, and told me to stay safe.

I go outside to press the unlock button, seeing some lights on one of the many cars there. I speed walk to the car, still out of breath, and get in the driver seats. I start the car and pull out of the bighit building parking lot.

as i continue driving I try not to get annoyed at every red light I get, wanting to get to tae as soon as possible.

maybe around 1 to 2 hours later I am sprinting to the bridge, panting, legs wanting to rest but I keep pushing. screw the parking service here. why couldn't I park closer, and HAD to park in the parking garage which is like a 20 minute run from the bridge.

from the distance, see a tiny figure sitting on the railing of the bridge, immediately knowing its tae from the back of his shirt since we were mostly around each other all day.

"taehyung! get down from there now!" I yell at him, but he doesn't make the slightest move to get down.

I start running faster, my legs burning, wanting a break, but I won't stop. I can't stop.

Soon I'm at the end of the bridge, I yell at him again.

"Taehyung please get down!" I yell again, knowing for sure he heard me this time.

As I see his feet touch the tiny ledge on the outside the bridge I panic, start walking down the bridge, trying to catch my breath still.

"T-taehyung please?" I yell, trying not to let my tears fall. I have to stay strong.

That gets harder when he looks at me, us making eye contact. His eyes look blank, no emotion, no feelings, no nothing.

"Jimin just go, please." I hear him yell, the desperation in his voice tells me he doesn't know what to do. He doesn't want me to go, but he also wants me to go.

I slow to stop next to him, jumping up on the railing to sit, and to be next to taehyung

I'm still panting, I reach up to wipe the sweat from my face when I hear taehyung yell at me.

"Are you okay? You look so out of breath, and why are you sitting on the railing?!? Get down!" he yells.

Dummy, can't you see you almost doing the same thing right now?

"I told you I would come to knock some sense into you. C'mon taehyung, we can talk about it. Just please, don't leave me, don't leave us."


yeah, sorry if it's a little short. i am done with chapter 17, but i'll wait a day or two to post if just for fun :).

words - 923

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