Chapter 13

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Narrators POV

after the dance practice was over they went home and got cleaned up. after they were all done cleaning up it was around 5:30 in the afternoon. they all were laying around in the living room either sleeping or looking at there phones.
namjoon then asked them if they wanted to go out to eat for once and the ones that were awake, (Namjoon, jin, jimin, and jungkook were awake) they decided to wake the others up.

when namjoon realized that tae was asleep, he didn't know what to do. he wanted tae to sleep for once because he knows he hasn't slept for awhile by the bags under his eyes.

"jin-hyung." he called him over after he woke up hoseok.

"yes?" jin responded.

"should i wake him up? i feel like this is the first time in awhile since he's slept, but i don't want to leave him behind."

"wake him, since he's tired he will probably fall back asleep when we wake him up." jin replies.

namjoon just nod at his reply as he gently shake taehyung shoulders. taehyung lets out a deep groan, and looks at him with hooded eyes from sleeping.

"do you need something hyung?" he mumbles out.
why is so cute my god, namjoon thinks. ( mood )

"we were planning on going out to eat, do you want to go with us?" namjoon ask him.

"can you just bring stuff back for me? i'm tirrreeedddd." he whines, which namjoon chuckles at.

"yeah i can, anything you want?" namjoon questions.

"not specifically no, but if you can i want something sweet as well." he mutters before turning away from him and cuddling into the couch cushion. namjoon mutters an 'ok' then walk towards the front door to see everyone but hoseok and taehyung.

namjoon slides on his shoes, then ask, " is hoseok hyung not coming?"

"no he's not, he wanted to stay home and sleep, plus he could review his dances on the videos he took early if he couldn't fall back asleep." jin answers namjoon. namjoon nods as they all leaving the dorm. they go to a restaurant they go to french since it's not that popular so they won't be seen. they've gone so many times so namjoon remembers what taehyung usually gets and orders that for him, and jimin orders hoseok his favOriTe. the restaurant was under staffed so it took about an hour to get their food.

(back at the dorm with hoseok & taehyungie)

hoseok woke back up after awhile, he look at the times.


he looks around to realize he is still on the couch. he looks to the other couch to see taehyung laying their, light snores coming out of his mouth. he smiled at the sight and got up to find his phone, which was in his shared room with jimin.

he texted jimin, seeing as he was the first person that came to his mind, and texted him when they were coming home.
(hoseok, jimin)
When are you guys going to come home?

half an hour or so, no less then an hour, why?

just wondering.

okay, i got you  your fav btw.
Thank you. see u soon.

np, see u


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