Chapter 2

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Seokjin POV

after the performance we were given a set of comfortable clothes to change into. since there wasn't a lot of rooms they put us in groups for a room. the maknae line was put together, hoseok and namjoon, and yoongi and me. when the door closed i started taking of my clothes, expecting yoongi to do the same thing but he just sat there staring down at his feet.

"yoongi-ah, not sound mean but you need to change now. we don't have enough time to change separately before our cars are scheduled to leave." i mention, trying my best not to let my tone sound annoyed.

"s-sorry jin-hyung..." he says quietly, which left me a little shocked, because he usually just groans, and starts doing what i asked soon after.

"yoongi is something wrong? you have been acting off lately, and don't you dare try to lie to me!" i say, trying to add some humor to the somewhat serious conversation we are having.

"i-i-i-" he starts, but ends up collapsing onto his knees as tears rapidly fall down his face. i quickly walk over and crouch down to hug him, pulling him to my chest. i run my fingers through his hair, whispering reassuring words in his his sobs turn into small sniffs, he pulls away he wipes his cheeks with his knuckles, his face becoming more flushed from crying.

even when crying, he looks beautiful.

"yoongi... what's wrong?" i ask again in hopes of him telling me this time. he opens his mouth, letting out a shaky sigh.

"um w-well i don't think it's that big of a deal, but the voices came back-" he starts before i interrupt him with a whisper yell. the wall were thin and i didn't want the staff hearing, probably worried from hearing yoongi crying already.

"you told us you would tell us if they came back! when did they come back? tell me, yoongi." i whisper yell, desperate to hear the answer as my heart breaks a little. our poor yoongi was suffering, and i couldn't help for who knows how long? yoongi has always tended to keep things to himself.

"t-they came back over a year ago now, but its fine don't worry." yoongi says under his breath.

"yoongi of course i'm going to worry-" i starts before being cut off.

"then stop worrying. hyung can we please stop talking about this. you said we had limited time anyways." yoongi says, not giving me anytime to reply before he stands up, going over to where his clothes were placed. yoongi takes off his shirt, and i hold my gasp as his rib cage was starting to peak out.

"when's the last time you ate?" i ask as i get up walking over to my own clothes, only realizing after he got up i was sitting on the floor with no pants.

"i don't know, monday? yeah, monday." he says, him now having a plain black long sleeve shirt on.

"that was two days ago yoongi, its wednesday now." i sigh out, finally having my clothes on as i look over a yoongi, not being able to hold my gasp as my eyes fall onto his thighs.

scars, scars everywhere.

I was about to say something else but then a loud knock stopped me. "you guys are taking way to long! we were supposed to leave almost ten (10) minutes ago! hurry the fuck up!" namjoon yells at us. i look at the door with angry. does he know what respect is? someone is getting there ass beat later.

"hyung they want us to go out there..." yoongi says softly.

"okay, but hey yoongi?" i ask, anger vanishing into thin air as the smaller boy stands in front of me. he mutters a quiet 'yeah', a sign for me to continue.

"i saw your thighs. yoongi, please come to me next time, you have no idea how much it hurts my heart to see you like this. i want the best for you, and the best you is going to be when your happy. i won't tell the others for now, but you need to talk to me, and them." i saw gently, looking into his eyes again as his starts to get watery. i hug him, him hugging back for once. he pulls away after a few seconds with a smile.

yoongi then stares at me, i look back at him, having an excuse to admire him. he suddenly reaches up, putting his arm around my neck, pulling me down as he kisses me.

on the lips.

i was shocked, of course. i couldn't register that he was kissing me out of shock. yoongi suddenly pulls away, eyes darting around the room, and his tongue swiping over his lips, nervous.

"oh um h-hyung i'm sorry i wasn't thinking-" he starts, eyes getting more watery, before i finally regain my composer, cutting him off with a light peck on the lips. he looks up into my eyes confused, and i laugh at his confused expression. his face heats up into red as he reaches up to touch his lips.

"this is real right? not a dream?" he whispers out.

"this is real." i whisper back.

"s-so um..., do you l-like you me?" he ask, eyes anywhere but on me.

"i mean y-yeah, but i would rather use the word love if that's fine with you." i tell him, showing him a smile. he shows a gummy smile, and grabs my hand.

we let a silence sit with us for a few minutes, letting what had happened in less then a minute sink in.

"so um, what are we?" he asks after the few moments of quiet, and i smile even wider then i thought i could, ecstatic that he didn't stutter over his words this time.

"what do you want to be?" i ask.

"b-boyfriends..." he mutters, face red as he stares at his shoes. i feel my smile get bigger somehow.

"of course, yoongi, i would love that." i tell him, and he smiles, and it falls not long after.

"oh hyung, um... do you like, uh, the o-others?" he ask. i completely forgot about them in the moment of my happiness.

"oh, um, do you?" i question, not wanting to give myself away right away. 

"um, yeah, i-i do, do you n-not?" he says, his voice quiet now.

"i-i do, i was just making sure you do. thank god you do." i sigh out, my smile returning. he sighs too, his smile coming back as well.

"i'm glad, i don't think i could have survived if you said no. i m-mean, i love you all so much." he says, looking up at me. before i can say something, there is another knock on the door, no voice this time though.

"we should go before we piss them off even more." he says, smiling lightly. i nod, giving him a quick peck on the lips before i walking over to the door.

"jin-hyung?" yoongi ask. i hum to let him know  i acknowledged that he was saying something.

"you do know we have to our relationship a secret. i know its going to be hard, because i don't know if i can keep myself from kissing you, but i love you a lot." he says, and i smile at him.

right, we can't say anything about our relationship, nothing.

"i love you too, lets go now."

(edited may 12,2020)

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