chapter 17

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yo if someone want to tag me in a question thing- 👉👈

Narrators pov

"I told you I would come to knock some sense into you. C'mon taehyung, we can talk about it. Just please, don't leave me, don't leave us." Jimin tells Taehyung, then staring into each others eyes.

One's eyes filled with determination, hopefulness, sorrow, and sadness.

The others, blank, nothing.

"Jimin, why did you come? Why shouldn't I leave? I'm nothing special, nothing out of the ordinary" Taehyung whispered, the tears came once again, dripping slowly off of his face.

Jimin, of course, was furious hearing this statement coming from the younger by a few months' month.

"How can you say that so easily?! Taehyung you're literally one the handsome men I have ever met! Your voice, oh my god how do you even have that deep of a voice that is so beautiful, angelic even? People around the world love you! You're so sweet, such a fun person to be around, you're just a fluff ball. Taehyung you're such a strong person, be able to go this long without telling anyone about what's been going in your pretty little head. You might be the strongest person I know. Since we debuted, you've grown so much. You've grown taller than me, obviously, you've grown more mature, your voice grew more powerful, the things it can do to people...taehyung I can rant about you all day, the things I love about you, the things we love about you, and the things army love about you. Taehyung your smile...the prettiest thing in the world...taehyung, if you go, we will miss you so much. It would break our hearts. Please, taehyung... come to the other side of the railing." Jimin rants, now standing on the safe side of the bridge, tears rapidly falling from his face, not making a single more to wipe them away or to stop.

Taehyung, now standing in shock, stops to think again.

Would they care if I left?

"He's lying to you, you know that? I mean, who could anybody love somebody like you? You're too fat, your dancing sucks, your voice, damn, sounds like a dying cat. Your ugly, you have eyes right? You can see that in the mirror. Your smile? Better keep your mouth shut because the 'prettiest smile' that you have blinds people because of how bad it is. You're horrible at keeping up with the others. You're so nosy, always laughing so loud. You're such an idiot, can you spell that? Probably not. Your just that stupid. Oh and all those scars on your thighs? Disgusting. Once they know how you really are, they will drop you like stupid bitch you are. So you think they'll care? Never." the demon voice yells in his head.

Still, Taehyung climbs over, whimpering as the voice continues to yell at him. As soon as both feet are on the safe side of the bridge, he is engulfed by a large hug from his soulmate. He pushes his head into Jimin's shoulder, fisting his shirt. Sobbing loudly.

Jimin can't hold his sobs back either, laying his head on taehyung's shoulder and sobbing into his. the two best friends sob together in each other's arms under the shining night sky.

*ᵗⁱⁿʸ ᵗⁱᵐᵉ ˢᵏⁱᵖ*

Jimins pov

Probably around an hour later, I realized taehyung fell asleep in my arm after we hugged again. Smiling softly, I pick him up gently, carrying him to the car. It wasn't a problem at all since he was super light. Too light for me to be happy.

I sigh, continuing to carry him to the car.

As soon as I get to the car I maneuver him in my arms so I can open the passenger door, putting him in, and buckling him up. I closed the door gently, not wanting to wake the sleep deprived boy. I walk to the driver's side, getting in the car after I close my door. I sigh, being tired already from crying so much in one day, but having to drive another two hours to get back home.

I pull out of the parking garage, getting on to the road, only to stop up at a coffee shop 5 minutes later. I pay for the drink, telling the cashier to have a nice day, then getting back on the road. I'm going to need caffeine.

*time skippy brought to you by the annoying orange*
(please tell me some of you guys remember the annoying orange)

Soon enough, I'm back at the bighit building, giving the keys back to the guy who was surprisingly still there. I lay taehyung on the couch, sitting on the slightly smaller couch next to it. I lay down when my eyes start to droop, feeling like sandbags. As soon as my head hits the sofa, I pass out, my phone buzzing with notifications without me noticing.

(with the other 5 bangtan boys)

Narrators pov

The other 5 members begin to worry as jimin hasn't picked up his phone.


"Jimin-ah left nearly five hours ago, and now he won't pick up the phone...that's a good way to make me panic." jin sighs out, laying his head on and equally panicked yoongi.

"You don't have to tell me twice hyung," Yoongi mutters to him, calling him once again, but it's going to voicemail after it rings 4 times.

"Maybe he's still looking for tae-hyung? Or what if his phone died and now he's lost? What if taehyung-sii got seriously hurt and Jimin-Hyung can't help him, or-" jungkooks rant gets cut short by NamJoon.

"Wait shh... jungkook don't worry I'm sure they're both fine, I'm going to try calling him again, and then this time Taehyung" namjoon reassures, smoothly running his fingers through Hoseok's hair, for his head was in his lap. He fell asleep after crying for a while due to being tired.

Namjoon called jimin, of course, no response as expected. He then called taehyung, of course, being surprised when someone actually answers.

"Hello this is Taehyung's phone, he's currently sleeping and i got tired of hearing his phone ring. Or maybe it was jimin-ahs, i'm not sure. Oh sorry, my apologies, i forgot to introduce myself. It probably sounds like I kidnapped them or something..." the man says, sounding quite young.

"Yah, you better have not kidnapped them or something!" seokjin yells into the phone after hearing the guy ramble for the small amount of time.


i know that ain't the best ending but...  1166 words ain't bad...

next chapter might be awhile cause i didn't pre right :)

enjoy back to back updates kinda not really :)

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