"Dad, If you could just...stop" I shake my head and give my dad a serious playful look.

My dad then breaks out into a bright smile before telling Archer that all was well and he was just messing with him.

"Hey" Archer smiles once he sees me, I see his eyes run over me for a bit making me feel a little bit insecure about what I was wearing.

"Ready to go?" Archer asks me with a small smile.

I smile and nod my head at him before I said bye to my dad, we then both left. My dad telling Archer to make sure that I am back latest by 12.

I close the main door shut and like usual I feel Archers hand on the small of my back. I've also come to realize he likes to place his hand on my back a lot. It really comforting, and it causes me to feel some type of way. Almost light headed.

"Did I mention that you look very beautiful" Archer says, his signature smirk playing on his face.

"No, but thank you" I smile, I feel the heat creeping up on my cheeks and I was once again blushing.

He walks me to his car and opens the passenger door for me, I smile and thank him before entering the car. While he was walking to the other side of the car, I decided to lean a bit forward and open the door of the driver's side from the inside for him to enter.

"Thanks" He smiles and thanks me for opening the door for him, he starts the car then backs out of the long driveway.

"No problem" I grin before asking him where we were going.

"That's for me to know and you to find out" Archer says while giving me a small mischievous smirk.


After what seemed like 20 minutes we were still driving.

"Where are you taking us?" I ask him yet once again for the fiftieth time during the 20 minute period.

"Xena I swear, I won't hesitate to chuck you out of this car" Archer shakes his head in playful annoyance, a smile wanting to break through.

"Let's just ask each other questions. You know...to get to know each other better" I shrug my shoulders.

"Sure, you can go first" Archer smiles and looks at me for a split second before looking back at the road ahead of us.

"Okay, hmm. Let me think...Oh I know, did you ever suspect I was your soulmate even before Vera came and messed things up between us in the past?"

"Well, if I'm being honest, yeah I did. I thought it was you because I always had sudden urges to kiss you, and I also remember tasting that sweet taste of your chapstick, it even proved my point when that one time your friends Cam and Brie were arguing and you were reading over the ingredients that were used in it...octopus doodie canal" Archer says, trying to mimic my voice in the ending while laughing a lot.

"Shut up, I was bored Okay" I laugh along.

"Your turn" I say sitting up more straight.

"Why did you try to hide the fact that you were my soulmate in the beginning?" Archer looks at me for a second before looking back at the road.

"Well, it's pretty simple, I was insecure and scared that you might reject me because...well. You're Archer Howell, and you can find anyone better." I smile and shake my head.

"You shouldn't have done that, cause I really had my eyes for you. Even when Vera was my "soulmate"" Archer says gesturing quotation marks with his hands on the word soulmate.

Cherry ChapstickWhere stories live. Discover now