⭐️Six- Birthday Present⭐️

Bắt đầu từ đầu

Jimin ran on the second floor balcony and looked around. He saw the hot-tub, and the secret rock Lisa had told him about. He saw the canopy, the drawers around the house, and he felt oddly happy.

Tonight. Tonight would the first.

That is if he was successful with finding a way to activate the second Chen. The Chen He was almost afraid of.

Sighing he looked out at the waves and sand. The sides where made of glass, keeping him from falling. There was medal railing along the glass keeping the small gates up.

He felt relaxed and at peace. A gentle breeze caused him to shiver but he still smiled and let the wind hit his face and blow his hair in all directions.

A warm body of heat over powered him, sending shivers under his spine as the hot skin attached to his neck.

Chen has wrapped his big muscular arms around Jimin's lower waist, and rested his mouth on his shoulder blade. Which his loose, thin, black and white striped shirt showed off one of his shoulders, and loosely hung from his body, as his tight, black skinny jeans had small rips in them.

Chen's soft lips, for the first time, touched Jimin's skin, below the jawline. It made him shutter. How can such an innocent person make him feel so dirty?

Chen's warm breath hit his cold and exposed shoulder making him close his eyes. From his muscular arms wrapped around his waist, his lips, breath, form, position, and the feeling of his toned body on Jimin's back.

As terrible as what I'm about to type may sound.

Jimin bit his bottom lip and jammed his eyes shut, he bit back a moan that fought a way to his throat. His grip on the railing became stiff as he held it back.

"Jimin..." Chen whispered. "Hmm?" Jimin hummed loving the sound of his deep raspy whisper. "Can you make some more brownies please?" He asked, his voice high pitched with excitement.

'Aaaaand we are back.' Jimin thought turning around and nodding. "Can I help?" He asked and Jimin smiled and nodded before taking his large hand and leading him to the kitchen.

"Ok so first we need eggs and flower. So find them." He said and watched Chen happily explore the kitchen with a bright smile while bouncing up and down in place.

'I'm basically dating a child.' Jimin chuckles as Chen slowly brings the eggs to the counter and then the flour. They begin mixing the items together, along with chocolate mix, and heating up the oven.

After making the brownies they sat down on the balcony and looked out into the ocean.

The light blue waves where almost clear, showing the small colorful rocks at the bottom of the shore, with the layers of white foam on the top causing bigger waves that slowly disappeared.

Jimin laughed as Chen stuffed the brownies in his mouth and chewed quickly. He continued doing this til there where no more in the pan. Jimin ate a few bites, but no matter how hard he tried he couldn't fit anymore food into his stomach form Grandma's dinner earlier.

Chen soon fell asleep on the blue and white beach chair. Jimin was laying on top of him, snuggling closely and enjoying the sound of the waves. He loved the feeling of Chen's rock-hard body, that seemed so cuddly at the same time, so close to him.

He stood up to go to the bathroom, and when he came back Chen was nowhere to be seen. He panicked and called for his name. But the boy was not in the house. So he ran along the beach to see Chen hunched over with no shirt on by the water.

"What the hell? I was gone for less than five seconds." He panted quietly to himself and ran over to him. "ChenYoung!" He called, Chen looked over at Jimin running to him. 

Innocent Fighter- (Jimin x Male reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ