Soulmates eclipse- multiple

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It was a nice day in the city of Paris. Marinette was out on a pleasant walk for some fresh air and a much needed break.

"It's such a nice day. Don't you think so, Tikki?" Marinette asked her little kwami.

"It sure is. You ready deserve a break after all the recent akumas." Tikki remarked.

"Yeah." Marinette took in a breath of fresh air. "And nothing is gonna ruin it."

But, the secret super hero was mistaken.

"Marinette!" Alya ran up to her. "Wait until you hear this!"

"What is it? What happened?" Marinette asked.

"Ok, so I was thinking of ways you could get Adrien's attention and I found this!" Alya shoved her phone in Marinette's face.

Marinette took the phone from her friend and looked at what was on the phone screen.

"Soulmates eclipse." Marinette read aloud. "If you're curious about who your soulmate of love is, than keep an eye out for the soulmates eclipse. Under the darkened red glow of the moon, it is said that the red string of fate is to show your soulmate to you." Marinette looked back to Alya when she finished. "Ok. What does this have to do with me?"

"Because it is happening tonight and now you can finally get your soulmate." Alya answered.

"What!" Marinette screeched, nearly dropping the phone.

"And, I'm throwing a party in the park for it. Which mean you are coming girl. Even if I have to drag you." Alya remarked. "So be ready, because after tonight, you will finally know."

Alya then zipped off to go spread the word of her party.

"Oh no." Marinette slid down into a ball.

"What's the problem Marinette? Now you will finally get to know who you are meant to be with." Tikki

"That's what worries me." Marinette muttered.

Suddenly, the nice day was brought to a more stressful one. All she could think about who she would and wouldn't be paired with tonight. What if she didn't know them, or even worse? What if she didn't like them? What if it was actually Adrien!

The day ticked by quickly and the next thing Marinette knew, she was at Alya's party. Alya had invited a ton of people and there were a lot of people she didn't know. So, she stuck around the ground she did know. Her friends from school and the few out of school. Which included Adrien.

All of them a buzz about what was going to happen tonight. Marinette mostly remained silent as they waited for the eclipse.

The moon above them was turning a rosy red, indicating that it was almost time.

"Ok everyone!" Alya announced. "The eclipse is about to start! For those of you who don't know, this is a special night for people to find their perfect match. According to legend, a red string forms around you pinky and go to your soulmate. Just follow the string and it will led you. So, keep an eye out, because it's starting."

Everyone looked up and watched as the moon began to disappear. Once it was out of sight though, a red glow could be seen outlined it.

That's when it began. People were being united by the glowing red strings. Marinette looked around her friends and smiled a bit as they were shown their soulmates.

First, was Ivan and Maylene, which was no surprise. They were adorable and out right meant to be. No words were needed between them. They simply embraced as the string swayed around them.

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