A worthy sacrifice

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It had happened. Hawkmoth had finally done it. He had the miraculous of the black cat, and his son had no idea. He had slipped it off Adrien's finger while he was asleep.

"It's only a matter of time Emilie. Soon, you will be back home with us." Gabriel assured to the still form of his beloved wife. "I just need the miraculous of the ladybug and I can have you back." He placed his hand on the flawless glass. "I love you, Emilie."

He turned and went back up to his Hawkmoth platform. How was he going to get Ladybug to come to him? It would make the whole thing easier if she were trapped in his layer. But how? Gabriel went back up to the house, continuing to work out the details of his grand plan.

Meanwhile, Adrien had woken up, only to notice Plagg was not begging him for his early morning cheese.

"Plagg? Plagg where are you?" Adrien called. He received no reply, not even a groan from being woken up. "Do you want some cheese? I've got Camembert cheese for you?"

Still nothing. No sign of his stubborn, lazy, cheese loving Kwami. Just as he was about to summon the transformation, he saw that his ring was gone. No ring, no Plagg. Tears formed in the boy's eyes as he cradled the hand that once had the ring. Plagg had truly become one of his best friends and made him feel like he wasn't alone in this empty house. With Plagg gone, Adrien felt even more sad and alone.

"Where are you Plagg? Who took you?" Adrien whispered into his dim room, a few tears sliding down his face.

After a moment to calm himself, he searched his room, hoping that it had simply fallen off. However, no matter how hard he tried, the ring was nowhere to be found.

"Adrien." Natalie sounded from the door. "Are you ready for school? You're going to be late."

"I'll be ready in a minute!" Adrien called, getting ready as fast as possible.

Once he was ready, he was sent off to school. Though, through out the day, Adrien was still sad about losing Plagg, but try as he might, he couldn't hid it for long.

"Dude, what's wrong?" Nino asked, nudging his best friend.

"I...I lost something...important." Adrien replied. "And I can't find it."

"That sucks. I'm sure you will find it though. We always seem to find what we need when we need it." Nino assured.

"Yeah, maybe." Adrien muttered, not convinced. 'Only I need him now.'

The day continued on, but Adrien's mood didn't change.

"What do you think is wrong with Adrien?" Marinette whispered to Alya.

"Not sure. Nino just mentioned he lost something really important." Alya answered.

"Did he say what it was? Maybe we could help him look or find a new one." Marinette suggested.

"Well, I have to babysit after school but you could ask him." Alya suggested.

"What! But, how am I supposed to ask him? I can hardly say two words to him." Marinette squealed.

"It's your only option unless you can think of something else to make him feel better." Alya shrugged.

Marinette devoted some time to thinking of a way to turn his frown, upside down. She so badly wanted to see his bright smile again, but what could she do without making a fool of herself?

The school day ended, and Marinette hadn't come up with anything. So, she went with Alya's idea.

"Hey A-Adrien?" Marinette stuttered slightly.

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