My worst nightmare

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Another Akuma attack, but that was nothing new. Chat Noir fought alongside his Lady, like he always did, like he always would. He would protect her, even if it was at his expense.

"You ready to end this, my lady?" Chat asked Ladybug.

"Of course." Ladybug smiled to him.

They jumped into the air, ready to end this. However, everything went wrong. Suddenly, Ladybug was pinned against the wall and her Miraculous was in the villains hands, revealing her as Marinette.

"Get away from her!" Chat demanded. "Or you'll be sorry."

The akuma cackled at his threat. Then, they were standing near a cliff and the Akuma still had Marinette in its clutches.

"That's really cute kitten, but I suggest you get some leverage before you start making demands. Here, I'll show you." The akuma then dangled her over the cliffs edge, clutching her by the neck. "Take another step closer and I'll drop her."

"Run...Chat...Noir." Marinette managed between breathes.

"No! I'm not leaving you!" Chat exclaimed.

"In that case, give me your miraculous and I'll give her back to you." The akuma taunted.

Chat hesitated, but regained himself. "Fine, but let her go first."

"No..." Marinette squeaked out.

The akuma smirked evilly. "As you wish." The akuma then dropped Marinette over the cliff.

"No!" Chat yelled.

He suddenly sat up, in a cold sweat and found himself in the log cabin the class was staying at for a field trip. He spotted Marinette, sleeping soundly in her own bed a bit away from him.

"It...was...just...a nightmare..." Adrien breathed in relief, running his figures through his damp hair.

He got out of his bed and tiptoed through the large room. He paused my Marinette's bed and smiled.

A few days ago, he had found out that Marinette was in fact Ladybug. Now, that didn't change how he felt about her. Not in the least. It only made him love her more. However, he didn't feel right telling her. After all, she acted odd around Adrien, even if she had gotten a lot better, and she only saw Chat as a friend. He didn't think he had a chance, but was fine as long as they were friends.

Adrien continued on and stepped onto the balcony. He looked out over the late night view and took in a deep breath. The look of terror on her face as she fell kept flashing into his mind, over and over.

"Adrien? What are you doing up?"

Adrien smiled a little, but didn't turn to her. He wasn't surprised at all that Marinette had noticed he had left. She did have Ladybug scenes after all.

"I had a bad dream." Adrien answered. "Really bad."

"I'm so sorry." Marinette walked up next to him. "I know how awful having a bad dream can be."

"Especially...when it's your worst nightmare." Adrien muttered.

He could feel Marinette staring at him. Whether it was out of curiosity or worry, he wasn't sure.

"Worst nightmare? What was so bad to be one of your biggest fears?" Marinette asked, very worried. He glanced at her from the corner of his eye and her fearful face from his dream appeared for a second. It caused him to jump. "What's wrong? What happened?"

" just..." Adrien stammered in shock.

"Me? You're nightmare...had to do" Marinette stuttered, backing away from him. Every worst position scenario of her doing something to him flooded her mind. "What did I do? Did I hurt you?"

"What? No, no! You could never hurt me, were my dream." Adrien trailed off and shut his eyes as the dream flashed in his mind once again.

Marinette was shocked. One of his worst nightmares, was her getting hurt. She could hardy believe it. Marinette stepped in front of him and hugged him tight.

"I'm so sorry. Do you want to talk about it? I would be willing to listen." Marinette offered.

"I'm fine." Adrien assured, holding into her. "Especially, now that you're here my lady." However, he realized his slip up to late.

"My lady?" Marinette questioned.

"Whoops." Adrien remarked, sheepishly. He pulled back to see her shocked face. "I guess the cats out of the bag."

Marinette blinked in surprise. "Did you just...make a pun?"

"Afraid so princess." Adrien replied.

Marinette just stared at him, processing everything that had just happened. She came to some conclusions in this short time: 1) Adrien is Chat Noir, 2) he knows she is Ladybug, 3) he doesn't seem to mind, 4) he seemed happy that Marinette and Ladybug were one and the same, and 5) his worst nightmare, is losing her.

Marinette abruptly lunged at him and hugged him tight, a huge smile on her face. "You have no idea how happy I am." Marinette squealed in delight.

"Really?" Adrien questioned, slowly rapping his arms around her.

"Yes!" Marinette beamed. "My kitty and high school crush, the two boys I love most, are one and the same. I know that nightmare must have been awful, but I am so glad I found out who you are."

"Wait, you love me? As in Adrien AND Chat Noir?" Adrien asked, completely dumbfounded.

Marinette pulled back and planted a kiss on his lips. Adrien stiffened for a second. Being kissed by his lady was the last thing he expected tonight. Especially, after the horrible nightmare he had. But, he kissed her back and pulled her close. They kissed for all the time they spent apart and just missed each other.

"Yes, I love you Adrien. More than anything." Marinette answered as she cupped his face and staring into his gorgeous green eyes.

"I love you too, Marinette." Adrien smiled.

They hugged once again, just holding each other lovingly.

"We should go back to bed." Marinette muttered with a yawn.

"Yeah, we probably should, but I'd like a good night kiss before we go." Adrien whispered in her ear.

Marinette couldn't help but blush. "I guess that would be ok."

They shared another kiss, this one a bit shorter, and went to bed. From that day forward, Marinette and Adrien became an official couple. Who would have thought, Adrien's worst nightmare lead to a dream come true.


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