Promise me- Kim x Alix

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It had happened again. Another akuma attack unleashed on Paris and Alix was forced to watch Kim take another hit from said akuma in her place. Sure, Ladybug's miraculous ladybugs would fix everything but it still hurt her to see him in pain. It hurt worse with each new attack. Alix wasn't sure how much more of it she could take or why he was doing it so much recently.

"Hey, Alix! Are you ok?" Kim called. He ran up to her, now fully healed from the miraculous ladybugs. Alix turned to face him with tears still in her eyes. "What happened? We're you hurt?" He worried.

Alix didn't reply at first. She needed to calm down before she spoke. Partly to keep herself from being Akumatized but mostly so she could think clearly. If not she could spill some information she wasn't ready for him to hear. Kim reached out to her but she smacked his hand away.

" have to stop..." Alix stated.

"Stop?" Kim questioned.

"Yes." Alix answered. "You need to stop putting yourself in danger for me. Every time there is an take the hit that was meant for me. I don't want that. If I'm stupid enough to be out than let me be hit."

"But Alix-" Kim tried to explain but Alix didn't want to hear it.

"No! You have to stop! What if Ladybug and Chat Noir fail and they can't save you? I can't..." Alix trailed off for a moment. "Promise me...promise me you will stop." Alix begged as her bottom lips quivered.

Kim knew he should have told her right then and there. But that look of torment and guilt on her face kept his mouth from spilling it. Instead, he nodded slowly in agreement.

"Yeah. I promise." Kim muttered.

"Good." Alix sighed. She wiped her face with her shirt sleeve. "I'll see you around Kim." She then walked off.

Kim just stood there and watched her leave. How on earth was he supposed to keep this promise? She didn't want him to protect her but that's all he wanted to do for her. Make sure she is safe and doesn't have to ever worry about getting hurt.

Of course Kim knows Alix can take care of herself and knows from experience that she can hold her own in any situation. Though, even with this insight, he can't help by want to keep her safe. The last thing he wanted was to lose her in anyway. He will have to see if he can do both.

So, over time Kim acted as if the thought of saving her didn't even cross his mind. Though, he would always act on it when he was sure she wasn't paying attention. It was a lot of work on Kim's part but for him it was worth it. Alix was worth anything.

However, now Kim was constantly worrying, whether she was around or not. It began to take a toll on him. Even to the point of losing sleep.

"How's it going meathead?" Alix asked as she skated by him. Kim just groaned and shrugged in response. "What happened to you?"

Kim stopped walking and Alix stopped in front of him. She stared at him, waiting for an explanation. Kim avoided her gaze. There was no way he could think of a good response if he looked her in the eyes.

"Well..." Kim scratched the back of his neck nervously, unsure what to say. "Please don't be mad but I haven't exactly been keeping my promise."

"What do you mean you haven't been keeping your promise?" Alix growled a bit.

"I haven't stopped trying to protect you." Kim answered.

"Kim, I asked you to do one thing. One thing!" Alix barked.

"And I couldn't do it! Don't you get it! I...I..." Kim trailed off.

Alix's eyes suddenly widened. She could see a giant Akuma on the loose and it was causing nothing but destruction. Throwing cars and anything it could find in all directions.

"Kim watch out!" Alix pulled him out of the way as a huge piece of debris came hurdling towards them. "Get out of here! You have to-"

She didn't get the chance to finish because the same thing she feared for him, had now happened to her. But he wasn't quick enough to save her this time.

"No! Alix!" Kim screamed in complete horror. "Alix..." Kim crumbled to his knees before her. "There is a reason...I wanted to protect you...I love you Alix. I really do. I hate to see you like this...this was the last thing I wanted." He whimpered to her unconscious form.

He closed his eyes and turned away. Tears began to spill from his eyes. How could this happen? He was supposed to protect her at all costs but now...she was hurt.

Unbeknownst to him, the miraculous ladybugs were unleashed as he cried before her.

"Kim? What's wrong?" Alix asked.

Kim immediately shot to his feet and scooped her up in his arms.

"I'm so glad you're ok! I'm sorry for putting you through that pain but now you need to promise me that you will do the same."

"What do you-" Alix questioned.

"I love you Alix!" Kim interrupted. "I have for so long and that's why I've always wanted to protect you." There was sudden silence between them as Kim realized what he had just confessed. What would happen to their friendship now? He began to set her down. "I...I'm sorry...that was..."

Alix didn't let him finish. She interrupted him with a surprise kiss and he was happy to return it.

"I love you too Kim. That's why I didn't want you to get hurt. I couldn't stand someone else I love getting hurt." Alix smiled.

"Well, now we don't have to worry ever again. Because no matter what we will always be there. I promise to do it. Can you promise me?" Kim asked.

"Yes. You have my word." Alix assured.

So, with the promises made the new couple was not only together but were at ease. Never wanting to lose each other.


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