Wrong set up- Max x Sabrina/Kim x Alix/Nathaniel x Chloe

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 Isn't it funny how one day can change everything? Because that's what happened for Max and Sabrina. Thanks to a project that paired them together, the two discovered that they had tons in common and that they really like each other. So they wanted to spend more time together.

However, there was a problem with that. Most of their time was dedicated to their best friends, Chloe and Kim. They quickly came up with a plan to give them that time. Set up Kim and Chloe together.

The idea seemed perfect. Kim was known for having a huge crush on Chloe and they were sure that, under certain circumstances, she would like him too.

So, over the next few days at school, Max and Sabrina did everything possible to get them alone together. Even as far as locking them in a cramped closet. More than once.

Kim and Chloe were beyond embarrassed and frustrated by this whole set up ploy. It was an understatement to say they have had enough.

"Can you move over a bit? You're squishing me." Chloe complained.

"I'm not trying to. It's really cramped in here." Kim defended as he tried to create as much distance between them as he could.

"How did we even get into this mess?" Chloe grumbled. "You didn't do this on purpose, did you?"

"Of course not! I would never!" Kim guaranteed.

"Ok I believe you." Chloe sighed. They heard the door begin to open. "But I'm about to find out." The door opened and before Sabrina and Max could run, Chloe got a hold of their clothes. "It was you too all along? Explained yourselves!"

"Ok ok." Sabrina gave in. Chloe released them. "Over the new project we realized that...we like each other." Sabrina took Max's hand. "But we thought if you were together than we could have time to spent with each other."

"What?!" Kim and Chloe exclaimed.

"It's true." Max admitted.

"But I don't like Kim! I like...someone else." Chloe crossed her arms. "No offense Kim."

"None taken. I'm over you and I like someone else too." Kim replied.

Max and Sabrina exchanged a curious look but then it seemed to click.

"That's right." Sabrina shook her head lightly. "You like Adrien."

"And I can't believe I forgot about your thing with Ondine." Max chuckled lightly.

"It's...not Adrien." Chloe looked away with a blush.

"I don't like Ondine...that way. We are just friends. I...like someone else." Kim answered.

Sabrina and Max's eyes widened. Their friends had crushes that they didn't tell them about. When did that happen?

"Who?!" Max and Sabrina jumped forward.

Kim and Chloe remained silent. They didn't want their friends trying and failing to help them with this. For now, they were completely fine with their circumstances.

"If you don't tell us, we will have to work extra hard to find out and set you up." Sabrina taunted.

"My calculations indicate that, that is 100% correct." Max smirked.

Kim took in a breath and exhaled as he answered "It's Alix."

"I can't believe you told them." Chloe sighed.

"Thank you Kim." Sabrina smiled. "Your turn Chloe."

"It will make it easier on all of us if you tell." Max remarked.

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